FORM 100.50-EG5 (108)
Equipment shall include the manufacturer’s warranty not
less than eighteen months from the date of shipment.
Extended parts warranty [optional] shall be included for
an additional one [fi ve] years
Extended parts and labor warranty [optional] shall be
included for an additional one [fi ve] years
Product Specifi cation
Completely factory assembled unitized con-
struction packaged rooftop air conditioning unit including
a factory-mounted and wired unit controller and sensors,
single-point power connection 460V [208V/230V/ 575V]
three-phase, 60Hz power supply, outdoor air handling
section with return and supply openings, discharge ple-
num, direct-expansion refrigerant condensing section.
Factory Test:
The refrigerant circuit shall be pressure-
tested, evacuated and fully charged with refrigerant and
oil. The completed refrigerant circuit shall undergo a
factory helium leak test and undergo an automated op-
erational run test and quality inspection prior to shipment.
The unit controller shall be confi gured and run tested at
the factory to minimize fi eld setup time. Gas fi red units are
run tested. If the unit is not confi gured and tested, then
the manufacturer shall provide fi eld start up and testing
to ensure that the controller is functioning properly.
Unit Construction:
Base Rail:
The unit shall include an integral design base
rail with lifting points clearly marked and visible on the
base rail, and fi ve (5) 1-1/4” FPT connections for con-
densate drainage. The unit base shall be designed with
a recessed curb mounting location. The recessed curb
mounting surface shall provide a continuous surface for
fi eld application of curb gasketing to create a weather
tight seal between the curb and unit.
Casing shall be complete post and panel
construction with exterior skin. All panels, doors, walls,
uprights, fl oor panels and roofi ng shall be one-inch thick;
1-1/2 pound density insulation. Units are specifi cally
designed for outdoor installation.
The unit roof shall be bowed with the peak in the
middle of the unit and sloped to both sides of the unit
for drainage. A drip lip shall run the length of the unit to
prevent water drainage down the side of the unit. Roof
and sidewall seams shall be continuously caulked and
covered with formed galvanized seam caps. All panel
fasteners shall be secured through standing seams to
prevent fastener penetrations that are exposed to the
air stream.
Exterior painted surfaces are designed to with-
stand a minimum of 1,000 salt spray hours when tested
in accordance with ASTM B-117.
Markings and Diagrams:
All necessary tags and decals
to aid in the service and/or indicating caution areas shall
be provided. Electrical wiring diagrams shall be attached
to the control panel access door.
Installation and operation mainte-
nance manuals shall be supplied with each unit.
Access Doors:
Double wall access doors shall be
provided in the fan, coil, fi lter and inlet sections of the
unit. Doors shall be double-wall construction with a
solid liner and a minimum thickness of 1- inch. Doors
shall be attached to the unit with piano-type stainless
steel hinges. Latches shall be positive-action, creating
an airtight seal between the door and unit. Panels and
doors shall be completely gasketed with a closed-cell,
neoprene gasket. Door tiebacks shall be provided for
all doors to secure doors while servicing.
Economizer Section:
1. No Outside-Air: the unit has no provisions for outside
ventilation air.
1. Manual Outside-Air Damper: A manually adjustable
outside-air damper capable of admitting 0-25%
outside-air shall be provided.
1. Two-Position, Outside-Air Damper: A two-position,
outside-air damper capable of admitting 0-25%
outside-air shall be provided. The minimum position
shall be manually adjustable from 0-25%. Control
shall be based on the occupied mode of the unit.
For occupied mode, the damper shall be open to
the minimum position and for unoccupied, it shall
be closed.
1. Modulating Economizer: The economizer segment
shall be designed to use outside air for cooling and
ventilation and provide a means of exhausting air
from the air-handling unit. The segment shall consist
of parallel-acting, low-leak dampers. The return-air,
outside-air and exhaust-air dampers shall be sized
for 100% of nominal unit airfl ow. The exhaust-air
damper assembly shall have a factory-assembled
rain hood. The rain hood shall have a drip-lip the full
width of the hood to channel moisture away from
the air being drawn into the unit.
2. No Building Exhaust/Relief: The unit has no provi-
sions to exhaust building return air.