Johnson Controls Unitary Products
When this unit is being used as a replacement for an existing R-410A
unit, these are matched systems and the indoor coil and outdoor unit
must be replaced. The following steps should be performed in order to
insure proper system operation and performance. Line-set change out
is also recommended.
1. Change-out of the indoor coil to an approved R-410A coil / air han-
dling unit combination with the appropriate metering device.
2. Change-out of the line-set when replacing an R-22 unit with an
R410-A unit is highly recommended to reduce cross-contamination
of oils and refrigerants.
3. If change-out of the line set is not practical, then the following pre-
cautions should be taken.
• Inspect the line set for kinks, sharp bends, or other restrictions,
and for corrosion.
• Determine if there are any low spots which might be serving as oil
• Flush the line set with a commercially available flush kit to remove
as much of the existing oil and contaminants as possible.
• Install a suction line filter-drier to trap any remaining contami-
nants, and remove after 50 hours of operation.
4. If the outdoor unit is being replaced due to a compressor burnout,
then installation of a 100% activated alumina suction-line filter drier
in the suction-line is required, in addition to the factory installed bi-
flow liquid-line drier. Operate the system for 10 hours. Monitor the
suction drier pressure drop. If the pressure drop exceeds 3 psig,
replace both the suction-line and liquid-line driers. After a total of 10
hours run time where the suction-line pressure drop has not
exceeded 3 psig, replace the liquid line drier, and remove the suc-
tion-line drier. Never leave a suction-line drier in the system longer
than 50 hours of run time.
The unit may be installed at ground level on a solid base that will not
shift or settle, causing strain on the refrigerant lines and possible leaks.
The unit must be installed in as level a position as possible while main-
taining the clearances shown in Figure 2.
Normal operating sound levels may be objectionable if the unit is placed
directly under windows of certain rooms (bedrooms, study, etc.).
Elevate the unit sufficiently to prevent any blockage of the air entrances
by snow in areas where there will be snow accumulation. Check the
local weather bureau for the expected snow accumulation in your area.
Isolate the unit from rain gutters to avoid any possible wash out of the
When installing units on a roof, the structure must be capable of sup-
porting the total weight of the unit, including a pad, lintels, rails, etc.,
which should be used to minimize the transmission of sound or vibra-
tion into the conditioned space.
Care must be taken to mount the outdoor unit on a solid base that is
sloped to shed water, secure from settlement, and is isolated from the
structural foundation or walls to prevent sound and vibration transmis-
sion into the living space.
On occasion, site conditions may require direct wall mounted brackets
to be used to locate and support the outdoor unit. In these applications,
care must be taken to address unit base pan support, structural integ-
rity, safe access and serviceability, as well as the possible sound and
vibration transmission into the structure. Wall mounting requires 3
mounting brackets and best served by a properly engineered solution.
See price pages for specific part number for your application.
1. Provide a base in the pre-determined location.
2. Remove the shipping carton and inspect for possible damage.
3. Ensure that compressor tie-down bolts remain tightened.
4. Position the unit on the base provided.
The air conditioning unit's copper spun filter/dryer is located on the liq-
uid line.
The outdoor condensing unit must be connected to the indoor evapora-
tor coil using field supplied refrigerant grade (ACR) copper tubing that is
internally clean and dry. Units should be installed only with the tubing
sizes for approved system combinations as specified in tabular data
sheet. The charge given is applicable for total tubing lengths up to 15
feet (4.6 m).
The outdoor unit should not be installed in an area where mud or ice
could cause personal injury.
Failure to use the same as the original factory drier or using a substi-
tute drier or a granular type may result in damage to the equipment.
Replacements for the liquid line drier must be exactly the same as
marked on the original factory drier. See Source 1 for O.E.M. replace-
ment driers.
R-410A Filter-Drier Source 1 Part No.
Apply with Models
Using a larger than specified line size could result in oil return prob-
lems. Using too small a line will result in loss of capacity and other
problems caused by insufficient refrigerant.
Never install a suction-line filter drier in the liquid line of an R-410A
system. Failure to follow this warning can cause a fire, injury or death.
This system uses R-410A refrigerant which operates at higher pres-
sures than R-22. No other refrigerant may be used in this system.
Gauge sets, hoses, refrigerant containers, and recovery system must
be designed to handle R-410A. If you are unsure, consult the equip-
ment manufacturer.