The Other YN-622C User Guide
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Usage is similar to Remote Manual and On-flash Manual. Stroboscopic mode is particularly
effective with a highly-reflective subject against a dark background. Consider using a tripod,
remote switch and external battery pack.
Set Flash Mode to Multi.
Set desired Flash output, Frequency and Flash count, as provided by the camera.
Flash Count x Hz = minimum shutter duration.
Limit rapid use and allow at least 15 minutes rest between frequent bursts.
E-TTL Flashes do not emit a pre-flash
First Curtain (Front Curtain)
The “normal” flash sync.
ETTL, Manual and Multi Flash modes.
Second Curtain (Rear Curtain)
The flash fires right before the shutter closes, giving the appearance of forward motion.
The 622 provides 2nd Curtain sync in either ETTL or Manual Flash modes, including with
off-camera flashes.
Not in Multi (stroboscopic) flash mode.
Not in Wireless mode (and therefore no group functions available).
Shutter of around 1/30th sec (see your camera guide) through to Bulb.
Camera must be in a Creative mode.
Fast-Shutter Sync
High-Speed (HSS or FP)
ETTL and Manual Flash modes, syncs with all shutter speeds up to 1/8000th Sec
The camera must support HSS.
If the hot-shoe flash does not support HSS, the max sync speed is 1/250S or less.
Supersync (Flash Burn)
Works with many hot-shoe and studio flashes, up to 1/8000th Sec
Connection only through PC-sync port. A PC-sync cord required.
Max. 300v trigger voltage.
Set camera’s shutter sync as Hi-speed sync.
Use manual exposure or shutter-priority mode
For type C camera, the max PC sync speed is 1/250s or less.
A flash on the hot shoe and another connected to the PC-sync port can be used at the
same time.
Simple Trigger
Single-contact camera & single-contact flash triggering (max sync speed is 1/250s)