IM DLM3054-01EN
Smoothing (Moving Avg)
The instrument averages the waveforms according to the following equation. Set the number of points to use for
moving averaging.
(when the weight is set to 2N)
n =
xi +
• Weighted Points (Weight)
Set the number of points to use for moving averaging.
Selectable range: 2 to 128 in 2
IIR Filter (IIR Lowpass/IIR Highpass)
Set the filter order and cutoff frequency for the low-pass filter or high-pass filter.
• IIR Lowpass: Rejects high-frequency noise
• IIR Highpass: Rejects low-frequency noise
• Filter order (Order)
Select 1st order or 2nd order. Depending on the filter type and filter order that you select, the phase change
varies as follows:
Filter Type
Harmonic Order
Phase Change
Low Pass
Phase lag
High Pass
Phase lead
High Pass/Low Pass
No phase change
• Cutoff frequency (Cutoff1)
You can set the cutoff frequency to a value up to 500 MHz.
• In the filter calculation (IIR filter), because the initial value is indeterminate, correct calculation is not
possible immediately after the start of calculation. With a first-order filter the left end of the waveform is not
shown, and with a second-order filter, both ends of the waveform are not shown.
• The lower cutoff frequency limit varies depending on the time-axis setting.
Integration (Integ(S1))
Integrates the waveform assigned to Source1.
The instrument integrates with the initial point (Initial Point) set to zero.
Edge Count or Rotary Count (Count(S1))
The instrument counts edges or rotations of the waveforms assigned to Source1 and Source2.
Count Setup (Count Setup)
Count Type (Type)
Select the count type from one of the settings below.
• Edge: Counts the number of edges of one waveform
• Rotary: Counts the number of phase changes between two waveforms
9 Computed and Reference Waveforms