IM DLM3054-01EN
Operators (Operation)
The following operators are available.
• S1+S2: Adds the waveforms assigned to Source1 and Source2
• S1−S2: Subtracts the waveform assigned to Source2 from the waveform assigned to Source1
• S1xS2: Multiplies the waveforms assigned to Source1 and Source2
: Performs phase shifting, moving average, or noise rejection on the waveform assigned to Source1
: Integrates the waveform assigned to Source1
: Counts the number of edges of the waveform assigned to Source1 or the number of phase
changes between the two waveforms assigned to Source 1 and Source2.
: User-defined expression (optional)
Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication (S1+S2, S1−S2, S1xS2)
Performs addition, subtraction, or multiplication on the two waveforms assigned to Source1 and Source2.
IIR Filter, Smoothing (Filter(S1))
Performs phase shifting or moving average on the waveform assigned to Source1 or applies an IIR filter to the
Selecting the Filter Type (Filter Setup)
Set the filter type to one of the settings below.
: Displays a phase-shifted waveform
: Displays a waveform whose noise has been eliminated through moving averaging
: Displays a waveform whose noise has been eliminated through an IIR filter
Phase Shifting (Delay)
Displays a waveform that has been phase-shifted by the specified amount of time.
• Delay (Delay)
Set the amount of time to shift the phase.
Selectable range: Time corresponding to ±5 divisions
The resolution is 1/sample rate.
The specified delay is retained even if you change the TIME/DIV setting, unless the change causes the
specified delay to exceed the amount of time corresponding to ±5 divisions.
9 Computed and Reference Waveforms