IM DL850E-01EN
Position (Position)
Set the position of the selected marker.
Taking the center of the waveform display window to be 0 div, you can move the markers within the range of −5
to 5 div in steps of the following size: Time/div × 10 ÷ display record length.
Marker Shape (Marker Form)
Set the shape of the displayed marker to one of the options below.
• Mark: A dot
• Line: A crosshair
Measurement Items (Item Setup)
Marker cursors move on the waveform data. You can measure the following values at the markers.
Horizontal (X axis) value at Marker1
Horizontal (X axis) value at Marker2
Horizontal (X axis) value at Marker3
Horizontal (X axis) value at Marker4
Vertical (Y axis) value at Marker1
Vertical (Y axis) value at Marker2
Vertical (Y axis) value at Marker3
Vertical (Y axis) value at Marker4
Time from the trigger position at Marker1
Time from the trigger position at Marker2
Time from the trigger position at Marker3
Time from the trigger position at Marker4
Time difference between Marker1 and Marker2
Time difference between Marker1 and Marker3
Time difference between Marker1 and Marker4
FFT Waveforms
Cursor Types (Type)
The following types of FFT waveform cursors are available.
• OFF: Cursor measurement is not performed.
: You can use four marker cursors to measure frequencies, levels, and the distances
between markers.
: You can use peak cursors to measure peak frequency and level values.
Marker Cursors (Marker)
You can measure the frequency and level at each marker and the frequency and level differences between
markers. You can select a measurement source waveform for each cursor.
Markers (Marker#)
The selected markers appear on the measurement source waveforms.
Measurement Source Waveform (Trace)
Set the measurement source waveform for each marker to one of the waveforms below.
• OFF: Disables measurement.
• FFT1: The waveform in the FFT1 window is measured.
• FFT2: The waveform in the FFT2 window is measured. You can make measurements in the FFT2 window on
models equipped with the /G2 option.
9 Cursor Measurement