lmaz PVC ve Alm.
leme Makineleri Ltd.
MK 420
Before starting to cutting verify the direction of rotation of saw. Label, indicating direction of rotation is placed
on the right hand side of the machine
After placing the machine remove the frame connection plates (Figure 2 NO.119) used for transportation
7.1.1 Open the main schalter of the machine.
7.1.2 Place the profile on the table and fasten with the aid of clamps (Figure 2 NO.5).
(The saw might cut the clamp
from the ends; be careful while using clamps.)
7.1.3 Press start button that is placed on the motor starter (Figure 2 NO.37). The saw will start rotating.
7.1.4 Raise the handle (Figure 2 NO.1). Saw will start cutting. Hold the handle raised until cutting process is
(Adjust the movement speed of the saw according to the profile you’ll cut (Aluminum, PVC,
7.1.5 After completing the cutting process lower the handle slowly.
Cutting with an angle can be performed with this machine. For this process loosen
the pipes (Figure 2 NO.3) placed on the set square (Figure 2 NO.105). Open the switch blade (Figure 2 NO.2).
Then adjust the set square through the angle ruler (Figure 2 NO.108) to the required angle. Angle adjusting
point is placed on the table. Then squeeze the pipes. Place the switch blade in its place and perform normal
(Cutting angles that can be performed by using switch blade is given in TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
section. Do not use switch blade in intermediate angles)
In fixed length profile cutting modes you can use dolly (Figure 2 NO.7).
One can adjust the working side of the machine as requested. Press the pedal (Figure 2 NO.16) located on the
bottom frame (Figure 2 NO.8). The frame will move upwards. While you are pressing the pedal rotate the top
body through the requested direction and release the pedal.
* The distance that the saw raises or lowers can be adjusted with the aid of washers (Figure 2 NO.50) on the front
side of the frame and with the aid of measurement ruler (Figure 2 NO.52).