Assembly cont.
ChainstaY assemblY Next, install the sealed
bearings (7) into the chainstay (5) main pivot bore. Press
them into each side of from the outside until they bottom out
on the internal lip
ChainstaY assemblY
After all four Igus bushings
are pressed into place, install the rear bushing inserts
(23) into the bushing (22) bores so that the rear insert (23)
end faces are flush with the outside exposed face of the Igus
bushings (22).
ChainstaY assemblY Begin with pressing the Igus
bushings (22) into the rear dropout pivot holes. These
bushings are pressed in the same as the Igus bushings (22)
are pressed into the dogbone (2). Press an Igus bushing (22)
into each side of the chainstay (5) dropout while supporting
the other side
figure 4a: Chainstay (5) assemble with main
pivot bearings (7), rear pivot bushings (22)
and rear bushing inserts (23), exploded
figure 4b: Chainstay (5) assembled
with main pivot bearings (7), rear pivot
bushings (22) and rear bushing inserts(23),
ChainstaY attaChment Place thrust washers (13)
over installed bearing inserts (6) and hole into place.
With the front triangle (1) firmly held in place and the inserts
(6) and washers (13) installed, slide chainstay (5) main pivot
over front triangle (1) main pivot. You will have to hold the
thrust washers (13) as you do this. This fit will be right and
may require the installer to work the chainstay (5) side to
side while trying to work onto frame (1) pivot.
ChainstaY attaChment Place front triangle in bike
stand or something similar to hold it in place. Install
bearing inserts (6) into the main pivot. First assembly may
require main pivot holes to be reamed.
ChainstaY attaChment Once the chainstay (5) is on
the main pivot, center as close as possible the main
pivot bearing (7) with the bore through the main pivot of the
front triangle (1). When holes are aligned as concentric as
possible, insert the main pivot pin (16) into the right side
main pivot bearing (7). Tap into place with a hammer until the
pin is pushed at least part way through the other side of the
main pivot bearing (7).
ChainstaY attaChment Place a little Loc-tite on the
thread of two button head bolts (19). Place washers
(12) on the button heads (19) and thread them into the main
pivot. While holding one side with a 5mm allen key, tighten to
100 - 125 in/lbs.
figure 5a: Chainstay (5) and asr front
triangle (1) with main bearings (7), button
head bolts (19), and flat washers (12),
figure 5b: Chainstay (5) and asr front
triangle (1) with main bearings (7), button
head bolts (19), and flat washers (12,