easily and quickly, the tester should remind the testee to always stare
at the green target in a level state, without moving his (her) eyeballs.
5.4 Measurement of Monocular Pupillary Distance
a. When needing to measure the left or right pupillary distance,
please turn the Monocular Covering Knob (as shown in Fig.3 B3)
which can cover the other eye completely (as shown in Fig.8a and
Fig.8a (Measuring right pupillary distance)
Fig.8b (Measuring left pupillary distance)
b. The tester observes the re
ecting bright dot on the testee's pupil
through measuring window. Slide the Left and Right Pupils
Measuring Keys, the left or right pupillary distance pointers will
coincide with the re
ecting bright dots of the testee's left or right
pupils, respectively. The datum shown in the display window is just
the measured pupillary distance.
5.5 Measurement of the VD
a. Press F4 Function Transition key (PD/VD) to enter into VD
measurement mode.