Enterprise IP Phone Using the Advanced Phone Functions
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Voice Mail
Quick access feature like Voicemail must first be configured on your PBX in order to
work on your phone. See your system administrator for more information.
Speed Dial
You can configure the key as a simplified speed dial key. This key function allows you to
access your most frequently dialed numbers easily.
To assign the key as Speed Dial:
Choose Phone->DSS Key->Line Key, choose one of the key you want to make the
assignment, there is a pull-down menu in the Type field, and choose Speed Dial
from the list.
In the "Line" field, select a line for which to apply this key, in the “Extension” filed
enter the extension number you want to perform Speed Dial.
Press Confirm button to save the changes.
If the key is configured as Forward key, press this key under the idle status, the IP
phone will turn to the Always Forward page and you can set the Forward to number,
then when there is any call to the extension number will be forwarded to the set number
To assign the key as Forward:
Choose Phone->DSS Key->Line Key, choose one of the keys you want to make the
assignment, there is a pull-down menu in the Type field, choose KeyEvent from the
list, then in the Mode field, open the pull-down menu and choose Forward from the
Enter the extension number you want to forward to in the Extension field.
Press Confirm button to save the changes.
If the key is configured as DND key, you are allowed to active the DND function
immediately when you press it. Press it again to deactivate DND mode.
To assign the key as DND:
Choose Phone->DSS Key->Line Key, choose one of the key you want to make the
assignment, there is a pull-down menu in the Type field, choose KeyEvent from the
list, then in the Mode field, open the pull-down menu and choose DND from the list.
Press Confirm button to save the changes.
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