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㥵卓⡹㼜絊畮鿈縭㖈ⰻ緸 ꣈抠㟖た䎇⚂䊺㖈꣈抠㟖䧴緸Ⱒ♳ꂁ縨✫畮〡僥㼘䔲騗Ⱆ緸ㄎ〭Ⱖ➭

























Содержание MeetingEye 600

Страница 1: ...Yealink MeetingEye 600 Video Conferencing Endpoint Quick Start Guide V1 0 Yealink Network Technology CO LTD English 皍 俒 ...

Страница 2: of the third party power adapter may cause the damage to the endpoint Put the magnet rings on the HDMI cable to prevent electromagnetic interference Endpoint Installation PVOUJOH SBDLFU BOE DDFTTPSJFT 1PXFS EBQUFS 1 Placing MeetingEye 600 Mount the MeetingEye 600 below the TV when the mounting height of the TV is higher than 120cm Mount the camera above the TV when the mounting height of the TV...

Страница 3: ...depth 30mm Hole diameter 6mm T4 30 screws 2 Wall Mounting Use the bracket to mount your endpoint on a wall The mounting height affects your camera view The recommended height is 1 6m above the ground SS 3 4 5 ...

Страница 4: ...e Display Power Adapter 3 Adjusting the Camera Tilt For more information on WPP20 wireless presentation pod refer to Yealink WPP20 Wireless Presentation Pod Quick Start Guide 5IF 64 1PSU 3BUJOH 7 N PC Wireless Sharing WPP20 Wireless Presentation Pod 15 15 6 ...

Страница 5: ...ployment does not need complex network settings You only need to get account information from your system administrator and log into the video conference platform Do the following to log into the video conference platform via remote control 1 Select More Login Advanced Default Admin Password 0000 Video Conference Platform 2 Enable Cloud Account 3 Select the desired platform from the pull down list...

Страница 6: ...0 5061 443 50000 51000 1719 1720 TCP UDP TCP UDP TCP When you use intelligent traversal to deploy your endpoint you have to open following ports on your firewall if they are restricted It is recommended that you forward the web management port 443 TCP to the public network so that other office can remotely manage the office Port Function H 323 signal port SIP optional Audio Video media stream port...

Страница 7: ...ll Yealink Demo or other endpoints The most likely reason is that the firewall or gateway in your environment does not support the ALG feature In this situation please take the following actions so that the static NAT feature on the endpoint can solve this problem To configure static NAT via the remote control 1 Select More Network Wired Network Default Admin Password 0000 NAT Firewall 2 Select Au...

Страница 8: ...ⲃ 〳腊 銳欽䨪㼆䎁䪓ꅷ ⴗ㹊〳遤涸䲃倶կ 䧮 䲀虛 欽歋 FBMJOL䲿 䧴絑 FBMJOL雩〳涸ꂁ ㄤ絁綈 欽劢絑雩〳涸痦 倰ꂁ ㄤ絁綈〳腊 㼋荝䚍腊涸 կ 欽 絁 霼㤛 煂梠欽 䫒歏煂䎁䪓կ 㸝鄳絊畮 7 FFUJOH ZF 䘯鸟Ⰶ 䭷 FFUJOH ZF 剒 鿈縭㹊騨倰呩 佅卹ꂁ 欽 㸝鄳 劼 歏彂鷓ꂁ㐼 佞縨 FFUJOH ZF 䔲歏錠䭱涸넞䏞넞 DN傞 絊畮㸝鄳 㖈歏錠 倰կ 䔲歏錠䭱涸넞䏞 DN傞 絊畮㸝鄳 㖈歏錠 倰կ TV TV 覰暅偽絁띌 64 覰暅霃㢊 5 18 5覰暅偽絁띌 굥㤛 51 ޗ িૼࡶ ў 811 偽絁 㾓 䩛 ઇ ߡٵݏ ў 〳鷥ꂁ ...

Страница 9: ...8 轠 錞呔 5 䩧㶰湬䖈 NN 䩧㶰帿䏞 NN 㟖鄳 3 4 5 轠 錞呔 5 SS ...

Страница 10: ...9 鵶䱹絊畮 碛緸絁 靈侮 俷錭䏞 碛 絁 歏彂鷓ꂁ㐼 15 15 Display 51 ...

Страница 11: ...銳忘駈 宠 䌄㺈 宠 倰鸑霢涸䌄㺈 宠 㖞䌄㺈 銳呏䰘ⴔ 㖞侨ꆀ鵳遤湱䎾涸㟞 811 偽絁 㾓 䩛 䟝銳 鍒811 偽絁 㾓 䩛涸霫絈 䜂 霼 ꢓ 翫811 偽絁 㾓 䩛䘯鸟Ⰶ 䭷 կ 1 㸝鄳黔䱽㐼歏寑 欽勲絁䌄 緸絞䘯鸟鿈縭 緸絞䌄㺈 宠 緸絞鿈縭倰呩 〳 欽 剪 倰䒭䧴 絡倰䒭鿈縭絊畮կ 剪 倰䒭鿈縭 剪 倰䒭鿈縭偽 㢕勇涸緸絞ꂁ縨 涬䔶 䎂〵㽠〳 㹊梡ぐ 㖞ꢂ涸 翫 鸑կ 餖 䜂霼 盗椚プ㢅 蜦 կ 鸑鵂黔䱽㐼涬䔶䎂〵 鷥䭊刿㢴 涬䔶 넞紩霃縨 랾雩㺙瀦 錠곸 雳剪 䎂〵կ 䒓 餖 կ 涬䔶䎂〵 䬘呥 鷥䭊 䟝銳涬䔶涸䎂〵կ 㞅ⱗ䎂〵涬䔶涸湱Ⱒ 䜂䎇涬䔶կ ...

Страница 12: ...霃縨 緸絞霫䞔 剣絁緸絞 랾雩㺙瀦 կ 1垷䒭 䬘呥 鷥䭊 1W կ 䭽黔䱽㐼涸 倰ぢꝶ鷥䭊 1W ⱄ䭽0 ꝶկ 犜欽 1կ 㖈湱䎾涸 㚖 鳕Ⰶ 1㖑㖧ծ 㶩緸䲁瀦ծ 緸Ⱒծ 4 剪 㐼ㄤ 4㢊 剪 㐼կ 䭽黔䱽㐼涸 倰ぢꝶ鷥䭊 㶸 ⱄ䭽0 ꝶկ 儑爙㐼涸巊兪㾓䍋䲿爙 ս 銳ꅾ 禹絡 ꂁ縨欰佪 僽や用 ꅾ վ 鷥䭊烁雩ꅾ 絊畮կ 6 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 5 1 6 1 5 1 畮〡 4 1 畮〡 〳鷥 갉錠곸㯮 崨畮〡 緸곜盗椚畮〡 〳鷥 䲽鶣 畮〡 碫㘗 霃縨畮〡僥㼘 㥵卓 㼜絊畮鿈縭㖈ⰻ緸 䝠 銳㖈 抠㟖 㼜 畮〡僥㼘荛Ⱆ緸կ 絊畮䩞〳 姻䌢䱹ゑ勻荈Ⱆ緸涸 ㄎ 11 ꅷ欽兰腊瑬鷳倰䒭鿈縭傞 㥵卓 涸緸絞剣畮〡ꣳⵖ 銳䒓佞 畮〡勉ꣳ 䒊雳 㖞㼜緸곜盗椚畮〡 5 1 僥㼘荛Ⱆ緸 Ⱖ 㖞〳 鵴玐盗椚կ 6 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 5 1 6 1 畮〡 4 1 畮〡 〳鷥 갉錠곸㯮...

Страница 13: ...㟖た 䎇 䊺㖈 抠㟖䧴緸Ⱒ ꂁ縨 畮〡僥㼘 䔲騗Ⱆ緸ㄎ Ⱖ 㖞涸絊畮䧴 FBMJOL FNP傞 劥㖑ⴀ梡랱㾓偽㡮涸 곿 匧剣〳腊僽㔔 劥 㖞緸絞梠㞯 涸 抠㟖䧴罏緸Ⱒ 佅䭯 腊 銳鍒Ɀ鵯 곿 欽黔䱽㐼䒓 絊畮 涸 䙖 5 腊կ 鷥䭊刿㢴 緸絞霫䞔 剣絁緸絞 랾雩㺙瀦 5 抠㟖կ 碫㘗 䬘呥 鷥䭊荈 絊畮㼜荈 蜦 䔲 緸絞涸Ⱆ緸 1㖑㖧կ 㥵卓絊畮劢腊荈 蜦 ⵌⰖ緸 1㖑㖧 〳 㖈碫㘗 䬘呥 鷥䭊䩛 搬た㖈Ⱆ緸 1㖑㖧 㚖鳕Ⰶ䔲 緸絞涸Ⱆ緸 1㖑㖧կ 䭽黔䱽㐼涸 倰ぢꝶ鷥䭊 㶸 ⱄ䭽0 ꝶ 㶸䔲 ꂁ縨կ 翫禹錠곸㹐剪 欽 雳歏錠絊畮霃㢊鵂玐麁ⵌ偽岁鍒Ɀ涸 곿傞 〳 翫禹錠곸㹐剪鍒Ɀկ 鷥䭊刿㢴 霃縨 霏倗 錠곸㹐剪կ 12 ...

Страница 14: ...ay with the device or any accessory in case of accidental swallowing Please use the accessories provided or authorized by the manufacturer only The power supply of the device shall meet the requirements of the input voltage of the device Please use the provided surge protection power socket only Before plugging or unplugging any cable make sure that your hands are completely dry Do not spill liqui...
