TYPE ML-2012/13
Manufacturers of low power instruments
page 44
Trouble shooting
If you encounter problems with the data logger, you can start checking the following.
First try to set up a connection, via USB, and use the program, YDOC-terminal, to communicate
with it.
If that doesn’t work, you have to check the battery-power, so you have to open the case. Do this
in a dry and clean environment, NOT in the field. Normally a flat battery is preceded by an alarm-
Check the fuse
Most parts of the data logger are tested at startup. To monitor the messages which are issued at startup,
you have to connect a PC/terminal to the debug port.
The default DEBUG port is serial port 1, but when a sensor is connected to this port, the DEBUG port
becomes port 2. If both ports are in use, you can use the USB port as debug port, but you won’t be able
to see startup-messages. In this case it is advised to remove a sensor from the configuration, temporarily.
These are typical start up messages:
The data logger starts and initializes its peripherals.
First, an overview of the firmware version is given
with a timestamp. This timestamp should be
accurate, carefully check the timestamp. If it is
slightly wrong, it must be adjusted. If it is totally out
of date, it designates a RTC-problem. There should
be NO errors on this startup. If there are errors
contact your local YDOC-dealer. A screen dump of
the startup messages will help to solve the problem.
An example of a defective data logger is given below.
This data logger has its micro SD-card not installed.
You can clearly notify the problem, by looking at the
startup messages.
When there is no debug output visible at all, contact
your local YDOC-supplier.
Always connect the USB-cable to the PC, even when
you are connected to the serial port for debug output.
When the data logger is NOT connected by USB, it
will switch into low power mode (Auto Sleep), and
you won’t get any debug data.
YDOC Logger Version 1.6 Build 1
2012/10/07 12:20:05
Init User Interface
Init Modem Interface
Init SD-card
File system OK
Init System Monitor
Start up from Power on
POWER_ON;System log...done
SYS_START;System log...done
Init NTP Time update task
Init Sensors Internal
Init Sensor GSM signal
Init Email
Init TCP
YDOC Logger Version 1.6 Build 1
2012/10/07 12:29:21
Init User Interface
Init Modem Interface
Init SD-card
File system error
Init System Monitor
Start up from Power on
POWER_ON;System log...File system
SYS_START;System log...File system
Init NTP Time update task
Init Sensors Internal
Init Sensor GSM signal
Init Email
Init TCP