1 Applicable
This document describes the substitution of the following drives:
Original drive: CIMR-J7xAxxxx
Spec: xxxx0 (IP20)
Software Version: Standard 001x, 002x
High Carrier Frequency 14.5 kHz 506X
Replacement: CIMR-JAxAxxxxxx
The replacement drive must be selected using the Heavy Duty rating.
The description is not valid for drives with other specs or other firmware installed!
Drive Replacement Checklist
J1000] Replacement Instructions
Digital operator panel
Does the digital operator panel need to be at the same position
as before?
If necessary try to readjust the position in order to have the
operator panel at the same location as before.
Was a remote operator panel connected to the old unit?
If so, never connect the old remote operator panel to the
J1000. Replace existing remote operators by the new type.
See part 5 of this manual for options replacement.
Special specifications
Check the installed drives specification to make sure, that it is
compliant to the standard specification (no special firmware, ...)
Wire Length
In the J7 drive main terminals are located at the top of the drive.
The J1000 drive has all main terminals at the bottom. Check if
all cables are long enough to be connected without tension to
the new unit.
Main and
Main circuit wires and terminal specifications
Compare the occupied terminals of the old unit with the new
drives terminals (shape, size, etc.) and check if the wires fit in
the new unit’s terminals using part 3 of this document.
Check for special software
Check the software number in the old to be sure that it can be
replaced by the J1000 drive. Also refer to 6.3.
If necessary, ask your dealer for identifying the software
installed on the drive that has to be replaced and for further
replacement instructions.
Software Parameter
Check the parameter settings
If possible read out the parameter settings of the old unit and
perform a parameter transformation to the new parameters
following part 6 of this book.
If there is special software installed or parameters that are not
mentioned in this book appear, contact your dealer.