Configuration and Connections
4.1 Internal Connection Diagram
4 -3
4.1.1 0.5 kW to 1.5 kW Servodrives
4 -3
4.1.2 2.0 kW to 3.0 kW Servodrives
4 -4
4.1.3 5.0 kW Servodrive
4 -5
4.1.4 6.0 kW to 15.0 kW Servodrives
4 -6
4.2 Name and Description of Main Circuit Terminals
4 -7
4.3 Applicable Receptacles
4 -7
4.3.1 1CN Connector for I/O Signals
4 -7
4.3.2 2CN Connector for Encoder
4 -7
4.3.3 4CN Connector for MECHATROLINK
4 -8
4.4 Connecting an Incremental Encoder
4 -9
4.4.1 Typical Example
4 -9
4.4.2 1CN I/O Connector Terminals
4 -10
4.5 Connecting an Absolute Encoder
4 -14
4.5.1 Typical Example
4 -14
4.5.2 1CN I/O Connector Terminals
4 -15
4.6 Output Circuits
4 -18
4.7 Connector Terminal Block Converter Unit for
4 -19
4.7.1 Application
4 -19
4.7.2 Connection Specifications
4.7.3 Cable Specifications Accessory (for Connector
Terminal Block Converter Unit)
This chapter provides information on the configuration and connections of
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