Yaskawa Electric America - 2121 Norman Drive South – Waukegan IL 60085
(800) YASKAWA - Fax (847) 887-7280
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Homing an individual axis is another typical low scan interlock as shown below. First, monitor the
axis to complete it’s home or zero point return, with the next rung used to actually initiate the
homing logic by setting the motion command code to “zero point return.” The third rung is the
“home completed” latch. Conditions that break the latch would be the axis is on and in automatic
mode. These conditions depend on machine operation and change to suit the application.
DWG L20.01
Interlocking for an individual axis to be commanded for automatic production is also typically
placed in the low scan drawing. Set the command bit for the axis to operate in production mode
in a common machine sequence drawing such as L10. Interlock the production reference with
individual axis conditions such as “axis normal” before actually commanding the “production” bit
to run.
DWG L20.01