Yardworks 11A-435R515 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 4


Slope Operation

Slopes are a ma 

jor factor re 

lated to slip and fall ac 


which can re sult in se vere in jury. Op eration on slopes re quires
extra caution. If you feel un easy on a slope, do not mow it. For 
your safety, use the slope gauge in cluded as part of this man -
ual to mea sure slopes be fore operating this unit on a sloped
or hilly area. If the slope is greater than 15 de 

grees, do not

mow it.


Mow across the face of slopes; never up and down. Ex ercise
extreme cau tion when changing di rection on slopes.

Watch for holes, ruts, rocks, hidden objects, or bumps which
can cause you to slip or trip. Tall grass can hide obstacles.

Always be sure of your footing. A slip and fall can cause seri-
ous per 

sonal in 

jury. If you feel you are los 

ing your bal 


release the blade control han 

dle im 

mediately, and the blade

will stop ro tating within 3 seconds.

Do Not:

Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or em 

bankments, you

could lose your foot ing or balance.

Do not mow slopes greater than 15 de grees as shown on the
slope gauge.

Do not mow on wet grass. Un stable footing could cause slip-

Chil dren

Tragic ac 

cidents can oc 

cur if the op 

erator is not alert to the

presence of chil dren. Children are of ten attracted to the mower
and the mow ing ac tivity. They do not un derstand the dan gers.
Never as 

sume that children will re 

main where you last saw


Keep chil dren out of the mow ing area and un der the watchful
care of a re sponsible adult other than the op erator.

Be alert and turn mower off if a child enters the area.

Before and while moving backwards, look be 

hind and down

for small children.

Use ex treme care when ap proaching blind cor ners, door ways,
shrubs, trees, or other objects that may obscure your vision of
a child who may run into the mower.

Keep chil 

dren away from hot or run 

ning en 

gines. They can

suffer burns from a hot muf fler.

Never al 

low children un 

der 14 years old to op 

erate a power

mower. Chil dren 14 years old and over should read and un der-
stand the op eration in structions and safety rules in this manual
and should be trained and supervised by a par ent.

Ser vice
Safe Han dling Of Gas oline:

To avoid per sonal injury or property dam age use extreme care
in han dling gas o line. Gas o line is ex tremely flam ma ble and the
va pors are ex plo sive. Se ri ous per sonal in jury can oc cur when
gasoline is spilled on your self or your clothes which can ig nite.

Wash your skin and change clothes im mediately.

Use only an approved gasoline con tainer.

Never fill con tainers in side a vehicle or on a truck or trailer bed
with a plas 

tic liner. Al 

ways place containers on the ground

away from your vehicle before filling.

Remove gas-powered equip ment from the truck or trailer and
refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible, then refuel such
equipment on a trailer with a por 

table con 

tainer, rather than

from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.

Keep the noz zle in con tact with the rim of the fuel tank or con-
tainer open ing at all times until fueling is com plete. Do not use
a noz zle lock-open de vice.

Extinguish all cig arettes, ci gars, pipes and other sources of ig ni-

Never fuel ma chine in doors be cause flammable va pors will ac -
cumulate in the area.

Never re move gas cap or add fuel while the en gine is hot or run-
ning.  Allow engine to cool at least two minutes be fore refueling.

Never over fill fuel tank. Fill tank to no more than ½ inch be low
bottom of filler neck to provide for fuel ex pansion.

Replace gas oline cap and tighten securely.

If gasoline is spilled, wipe it off the engine and equipment.
Move unit to another area. Wait 5 minutes be fore starting the
en gine.

Never store the ma chine or fuel container near an open flame,
spark or pi lot light as on a wa ter heater, space heater,  fur nace
,clothes dryer or other gas ap pliances.

To re 

duce fire haz 

ard, keep mower free of grass, leaves, or

other de bris build-up. Clean up oil or fuel spillage and remove
any fuel soaked de bris.

Allow a mower to cool at least 5 min utes be fore storing.

Gen eral Ser vice:

Never run an engine in doors or in a poorly ventilated area. En -
gine ex 

haust con 

tains car 

bon monoxide, an odorless and

deadly gas.

Be fore clean 

ing, re pair ing, or in 

spect ing, make cer 

tain the

blade and all moving parts have stopped. Disconnect the
spark plug wire and ground against the en gine to pre vent un -
in tended start ing. 

Check the blade and en gine mount ing bolts at fre quent in ter-
vals for proper tightness. Also, vi 

sually in 

spect blade for

damage (e.g., bent, cracked, worn) Re 

place blade with the

original equip ment man ufacture’s (O.E.M.) blade only, listed in
this manual. “Use of parts which do not meet the orig 


equip ment spec 

i fi ca tions may lead to im proper per for mance

and com pro mise safety!”

Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap the blade or wear
gloves, and use ex tra cau tion when ser vicing them.

Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment
is in safe working con dition.

Never tam 

per with safety de 

vices. Check their proper opera-

tion reg u larly.

After striking a for eign ob ject, stop the en gine, disconnect the
spark plug wire and ground against the en gine. Thoroughly in-
spect the mower for any dam age. Repair the dam age be fore
start ing and op er at ing the mower.

Never at 

tempt to make a wheel or cut 

ting height ad 


while the en gine is run ning.

Grass catcher com 

ponents, dis 

charge cover, and trail shield

are subject to wear and damage which could ex pose mov ing
parts or al low objects to be thrown. For safety protection, fre-
quently check com po nents and re 

place im 

me di ately with

original equip ment manufacturer’s (O.E.M.) parts only, listed in 
this manual. “Use of parts which do not meet the orig 


equip ment spec 

i fi ca tions may lead to im proper per for mance

and com pro mise safety!

Do not change the en gine gov ernor setting or overspeed the
en gine. The gov 

er nor con trols the max i mum safe op er at ing

speed of the en gine.

Maintain or re place safety la bels, as nec essary.

Observe proper dis 

posal laws and reg 

ulations. Im 

proper dis 


posal of flu ids and ma terials can harm the en vironment.

Your Re spon si bil ity

Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read,
understand and fol 

low the warnings and in 

structions in this

manual and on the ma chine.



Содержание 11A-435R515


Страница 2: ...all engine related issues with regards to performance power rating specifications warranty and service Please refer to the engine manufacturer s Owner s Operator s Manual packed separately with your...

Страница 3: ...oting c Pull the mower back slowly no more than half way to ward you d Repeat these steps as needed Do not operate the mower while under the influence of alco hol or drugs Do not engage the self prope...

Страница 4: ...ozzle lock open device Extinguish all cigarettes cigars pipes and other sources of igni tion Never fuel machine indoors because flammable vapors will ac cumulate in the area Never remove gas cap or ad...

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Страница 7: ...atcher to Mower CAUTION Never attach or remove grass catcher while the engine is running Lift the rear discharge door on the mowe r and place the grass catcher on the pivot rod Let go of dis charge do...

Страница 8: ...ol handle to stop the engine and blade WARNING THIS CONTROL MECHANISM IS A SAFETY DEVICE NEVER ATTEMPT TO BYPASS ITS OPERATIONS To Stop Engine Release the blade control handle to stop the engine and b...

Страница 9: ...adjusters give you nine 9 different cut ting positions Medium is the best for most mowers To change the height of cut squeeze adjuster lever toward the wheel moving up or down to selected height NOTE...

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Страница 12: ...3 15 4 8 3 2 34 20 6 7 12 10 9 11 5 1 39 36 37 43 17 48 19 55 56 49 50 51 53 47 52 43 43 43 57 59 61 60 43 58 61 60 43 58 For models with 8 rear wheels Pour mod les roue arri re de 8 po Refer to page...

Страница 13: ...commande 53 0 po de lg 746 1130 Control Cable 40 0 Lg Snap on Qtm C ble de la commande 40 0 po de lg Qtm 35 712 04064 Flanged Lock Nut 1 4 20 Gr F Nylon crou de blocage 1 4 20 Qual F nylon 36 731 0499...

Страница 14: ...gs only Rondelle ondul e avec roulement billes seulement 6 732 0866 Spring Lever Ressort de levier 7 687 02039 Pivot Bar RH Barre de pivot droit 687 02040 Pivot Bar LH Barre de pivot gauche 8 738 0507...

Страница 15: ...ill replace the defective battery for the origi nal purchaser for a cost of one half 1 2 of the current retail price of the battery in effect at the date of return Full One Hundred Twenty Days Warrant...

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Страница 19: ...d lai de deux cent quarante 240 jours de la date d achat YARDWORKS CAN ADA s engage remplacer la batterie d fectueuse l acheteur ini tial pour la moiti du prix de vente au d tail de la batterie en vi...

Страница 20: ...air est g n e 3 Le carburateur est mal r gl 1 Faites le plein d huile du carter 2 D montez l habitacle du ventilateur et nettoyez le 3 R glez le carburateur Le moteur tourne irr guli rement 1 La boug...

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Страница 22: ...n la pla ant sur un tournevis tige ronde Limez le m tal du c t le plus lourd jusqu ce que la lame soit parfaitement quilibr e Avant de remonter la lame et son adaptateur sur la tondeuse lubrifiez le v...

Страница 23: ...et de d chiqueter nou veau les brins d herbe qui restent sur la pelouse La tondeuse doit toujours fonctionner plein r gime pour obtenir la meilleure coupe et le meilleur d chiquetage Nettoyez le desso...

Страница 24: ...chouc recouvre l extr mit du fil de la bougie assurez vous que la bou cle m tallique au bout du fil de la bougie dans la gaine en caou tchouc est bien fix e sur l embout m tallique de la bougie Voir l...

Страница 25: ...endroit avant l assemblage l tiquette d avertissement doit se trouver sur l ext rieur Glissez le sac sur l armature c t en plastique noir sur le dessous Enfoncez les cro chets de l armature dans les...

Страница 26: ...evez les goupilles fendues plac es dans le trou ext rieur des goupilles soud es sur les sup ports de mon tage du guidon Placez les goupilles fendues dans le trou int rieur Voir les Fig ures 2 et 3 Pla...

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Страница 28: ...imm diatement avec des pi ces authentique seulement du liste de pi ces qui se trouve dans cette no tice L emploi de pi ces non conformes aux caract ristiques de l quipement d origine peut causer des...

Страница 29: ...l faites tr s atten tion en manipulant de l essence Il s agit d un produit extr mement in flammable et les vapeurs risquent d exploser Vous pouvez tre gri vement bless si des claboussures sur votre pe...

Страница 30: ...s b Assurez votre stabilit c Reculez la tondeuse lentement et d une demi longeur de bras seulement d R p tez selon les besoin N utilisez jamais la tondeuse en tat d bri t ou si vous prenez des m dicam...

Страница 31: ...copiez ici le num ro de mod le Recopiez ici le num ro de s rie IN FOR MA TION DE MOTEUR Le fab ricant du moteur est responsable pour tout questions reli au moteur en ce qui concerne la perfomance puis...

