Yara N-Sensor V3.10
Operation Manual
Minimum rate:
The minimum rate that is recommended by the N-Sensor. Note that the
final application rate may be less if the
button is pressed during operation or
if a prescription map is used. For optimum performance, the minimum rate should
not limit the N-Sensor variation too much. The default minimum rate is 0 kg N/ha,
allowing the N-Sensor to apply no fertilizer at all if indicated by the crop.
Maximum rate:
The maximum rate that is recommended by the N-Sensor. Note that
the final application rate may exceed this limit if the
button is pressed during
operation or if a prescription map is used. For optimum performance, the maximum
rate should not limit the N-Sensor variation too much. The default maximum rate is
120 kg N/ha, allowing the N-Sensor to apply a high rate if indicated by the crop.
Uniform rate:
The uniform rate is regarded as a standard rate that will be applied
when the user explicitly switches to uniform rate or in case the system cannot
process a regular rate. Therefore the uniform rate should be a reasonable, good
average for the field.
Reference rate:
The application rate assigned to the reference area. Normally, it is not
required to explicitly enter this value, as it will be automatically set during the
brate at reference plot...
Sensor value at reference:
The average sensor value from the reference area. If the
current sensor value is equal to this value, the reference rate (see above) will be
applied. Normally, it is not required to explicitly enter this value, as it will be auto-
matically set during the
Calibrate at reference plot...
Biomass cutoff:
If the sensor value is lower than the biomass cutoff, the crop density
is regarded as too low to apply the full nitrogen rate. Instead, the rate will be re-
duced with decreasing sensor value. On the work screen, the “low crop density”
icon is displayed. Depending on crop type and growth stage, default biomass cut-
off values are set automatically. Therefore under default conditions it is not neces-
sary to change this value.
Calibrate at reference plot:
Enter the automatic on-field calibration procedure (see
below). This procedure is started with the system on the so-called reference area
of the field. The reference area should be a small, approximately 30 m long part of
Last revised: 28.01.2009 14:39
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