3.2.6 Check and Resupply Lube Oil and Cooling Water
When engine oil, clutch oil, or cooling water is supplied for the first time or when they must be replaced, con-
duct a trial operation of the engine for about 5 minutes and check the quantity of lube oil and cooling water.
The trial engine operation will send the lube oil and cooling water to the passages, so the lube oil and cooling
water levels will drop. Check and resupply as necessary.
1) Supplying engine Lube oil (See 3.2.2)
Approximately 10 minutes after stopping the engine, remove the oil dipstick and check the oil level. Add oil
if the level is too low.
2) Supplying marine gear lube oil (See 3.2.3)
3) Supplying cooling water (See 3.2.4)
Never open the cap of the coolant tank while the engine is still hot. Steam
and hot water will spurt out and burn you seriously. Wait until the tempera-
ture of the coolant tank has dropped, wrap a cloth around the filler cap and
loosen the cap slowly. After inspection, refasten the cap firmly.