Reference Manual
Version 1.10,
Page 16 of 13
8 Program Test Firmware
8.1 Programming
This Section describes the procedure to upload the test firmware in the player. The purpose of
the software test is to test all the peripheral of the player such as MP3 decoder, Memory and so.
Step 1: Power up the player without the USB cable.
Step 2: Press the “STOP” button or short pin 8 and 15 of J2 while resetting the player (reset
button). You should see the LED (D5) blinking. This will indicate that the player is ready to
receive the new firmware.
Step 4: Reconnect the USB cable.
Step 5: Start the
application and select "Update Firmware" on the "Actions" menu.
You will be prompted for a .BIN file to download. Browse to the file you want and press Ok. The
file will be downloaded and the download progress shown in the progress bar at the lower right
of the window.
8.2 Hardware
To perform hardware test you will need to connect the player to a PC serial port. The next figure
will show you how to build the cable. Then you will need a good terminal program. The settings
of the terminal program are 115200 bauds, 8 bits, No parity and 1 stop bit.