Reference Manual
Version 1.10,
Page 12 of 13
Step 2: Choose your firmware options inside the definition file “constant.h”.
Step 3: If you use Epson based LCD, don't forget to uncomment the "#define
EPSON_LCD" definition inside the definition file “constant.h”.
Step 4: Recompile the firmware using AVR-GCC version 3.3. After the recompilation, check
the “yampp3_usb.bin” file size!!! This file MUST BE LESS than 15360 bytes or you will
overwrite the boot loader.
Step 5: Update the firmware. This procedure is explained in section 8.1.
Now, if you use fonts on hard disk (“#define ROM_CHARS” commented), you will need to
transfer the characters table into your hard disk. If you look inside the “RAM_ASCII” folder, you
will find the “ascii.bin” file. This file must be transfer into 3 sectors starting from the first physical
sector of your hard disk (sector 1, 2 and 3). To do the transfer, you will need a software called
YLINK version 0.9.5b or above or you can use the old “RdWrTest.exe” program. The “YLINK”
software has a special command called “put-colorchar”. You can use this command to do the job.
Step 6: Execute “YLINK –d COM5 put-colorchar ascii.bin” (if you’re player use COM5) or
edit the “download.bat” file to setup the COM number and the YLINK path then run the
batch file.
4.3.4 Graphics Skin Upload
The display is connected and the new firmware is burned into the chip? Now it’s time to upload
the graphic layout into the Hard disk. You can find the default graphic files (Skins) inside the
“SKINS” folder. If you don’t upload any graphics, you will only see a black screen and nothing
else. If you want use the default skin, you may skip steps 1, 2 and 3 from procedure described
If you want to install another skin than the default skin, you can download some from Yampp
web page. The use of another skin will require some additional configuration to do.
Step 1: Download your favorite skin in the software page. Unzip the package into Yampp
firmware folder.
Step 2: Find out the “lcd_layout.h” file from the skin folder and copy this file to the main
firmware folder. You have to replace the original file.
Step 3: Recompile and program this new firmware.
Step 4: Power up the player and connect the USB cable.
Step 5: Edit the “download.bat” file and setup the COM port and setup the path of YLINK.
Step 6: Run the “download.bat” file. After a moment the player will restart and you should
see the startup screen.
There are more information on graphic layout inside “bitmaps.txt” file. This file can help you to
design your own graphic layout.