YAMARIN 53 Bow Rider
32 (36)
Measures before launching
Repair or let to be repaired possible dents in gelcoat surface according to Chapter 6.8.
At sea areas an antifouling paint should be used. Fouling of the bottom and especially the
propeller increases the fuel consumption remarkably. However, if the boat is stored at a river
delta or brackish water, or it is lifted out of the water approximately every week, an
antifouling paint is normally not needed. Follow carefully the instructions of the paint
manufacturer when applying the antifouling. If you are sanding old antifouling paint,
remember that the dust is still toxic.
At lake areas antifouling is not needed and not recommended.
Do not apply any paint to zinc anodes, log sensor or piston rods of hydraulic
trim tabs. Do not apply paints including copper on aluminium parts, follow the
instructions of the paint manufacturer.
Perform the necessary service procedures following the separate Owner’s manuals of the
engine. Remember to open the valve for cooling water. Check the function of electric
equipment and remove possible oxidation from fuse connectors etc. Check that the plugs of
air tanks are attached.
Remember that gasoline turns stale in time. Always use fresh fuel when you start the engine
for the first time after winter storage.
After launching open all seacocks and check that there is no leakage in hoses or connections.
The location of through-hull fittings is shown in Chapter 5. Take the safety equipments on
board before leaving the quay.