YAMARIN 53 Bow Rider
2 (36)
Dear Owner of the Finnish Yamarin-boat! We thank you for choosing Yamarin and wish you
many pleasant experiences while on the water.
The intention of this manual is to help you to operate your craft with safety and pleasure. It
contains details of the craft, the equipment supplied or fitted, its systems and information on
its operation, care and maintenance. Please read it carefully, and familiarise yourself with the
craft before using it.
Naturally, owner's manual is not a course on boating safety or seamanship. If this is your first
craft, or you are changing to a type of craft you are not familiar with, for your own comfort
and safety, please ensure that you obtain handling and operating experience before "assuming
command" of the craft. Your dealer or national sailing federation or yacht club will be pleased
to advise you of local sea schools, or competent instructors.
Ensure that the anticipated wind and sea conditions will correspond to the design category of
your craft, and that you and your crew are able to handle the craft in these conditions.
The sea and wind conditions corresponding to the design categories A, B, and C range from
severe storm conditions to strong conditions, and are open to the hazards of a freak wave or
gust. Even when your boat is categorised for them, they are dangerous conditions, where only
a competent, fit and trained crew using a well maintained craft can satisfactorily operate.
This owner's manual is not a detailed maintenance or trouble shooting guide. In case of
difficulty, refer to the manufacturer or his representative. Always use trained and competent
people for maintenance, fixing or modifications. Modifications that may affect the safety
characteristics of the craft shall be assessed, executed and documented by competent people.
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for modifications he has not approved.
In some countries a driving licence or authorisation are required, or specific regulations are in
Always maintain your craft properly and make allowance for the deterioration that will occur
in time and as a result of heavy use or misuse of the craft.
Any craft – no matter how strong it may be, can be severely damaged if not used properly.
This is not compatible with safe boating. Always adjust the speed and direction of the craft to
sea conditions.