Safety information
tercraft to avoid accidental starting or un-
authorized use by children or others.
Scan carefully for swimmers and stay away
from swimming areas. Swimmers are hard
to see and you could accidentally hit some-
one in the water.
Avoid being hit by another boat. You
should always take the responsibility to
watch for traffic; other boaters may not be
watching for you. If they do not see you, or
if you maneuver more quickly than other
boaters expect, you risk a collision.
Maintain a safe distance from other boats
and watercraft, and also watch for ski
ropes or fishing lines. Obey the “Safe boat-
ing rules” and be sure to check behind you
before making a turn or slowing down. (See
“Safe boating rules” on page 18.)
Recommended equipment
The following items should be carried on
board your watercraft:
Sound-signaling device
You should carry a whistle or other sound-
signaling device that can be used to signal
other boats.
Visual distress signals
It is recommended that a pyrotechnic de-
vice, which is approved by the appropriate
authorities, be stored in a waterproof con-
tainer on your watercraft. A mirror can also
be used as an emergency signal. Contact a
Yamaha dealer for more information.
A watch is helpful so you will know how
long you have been operating the water-
A towline can be used to tow a disabled
watercraft in an emergency.
UF3P70E0.book Page 14 Friday, September 2, 2016 11:32 AM