Rev. Rate (off, 1-7)
This is a “pseudo-reverb” effect created by slowing the EG release rates after a
certain point. It depends on the OP1 EG. (OP1 on/off or OP1 output level does
not matter.) When the EG level of OP1 descends to -18dB, this “pseudo-
reverb” is triggered, and the Release Rates of all operators will be slowed down
to the Reverb Rate, producing a lingering effect characteristic of reverb.
Rev. Rate
No effect
EG-Release Rate = 1 (long “reverb”)
EG-Release Rate = 7 (short “reverb”)
Note that if the OP1 EG Attack Rate is 0, the sound may linger for quite a
while after the note is released. Also, if the EG Release Rate is already less than
the Reverb Rate, there will be no effect. This “pseudo-reverb” must be pro-
grammed with the other voice parameters in mind.
Name (10 characters)
You can name your newly created voice (or rename a preset voice). Use the
CURSOR keys to move the blinking cursor, and use the DATA ENTRY keys to
step through the characters shown below.