Wave (saw up, square, triangle, S/Hold)
saw up
(saw tooth wave)
Speed (0-99)
Delay (0-99)
Pitch Modulation Depth
Amplitude Modulation
Depth (0-99)
Sync (on/off)
(square wave)
(triangle wave)
(sample & hold)
The first three waveshapes are probably familiar to you. S/Hold stands for
Sample And Hold. At periodic intervals determined by the LFO Speed, a
random number is sampled, and the LFO is held at that random value until the
next sample. This is especially useful in creating sound effects.
At a setting of 1, the LFO will take about 150 seconds to complete one cycle
(0.007Hz), and at a setting of 99 the LFO will make about 50 cycles every
second (50Hz).
In many acoustic instruments, the vibrato begins a short time after the note
begins sounding. This can be simulated using the LFO Delay, which is adjust-
able from 0 (no delay) to 99 (about 15 seconds delay).
This controls the amount of Pitch Modulation that will be present regardless of
the Function Settings. When this value is above 0, the LFO will always produce
some Pitch Modulation, regardless of the position of the Foot Controller, Mod
Wheel or Breath Controller, provided that P. Mod Sens is not zero.
This controls the amount of Amplitude Modulation that will be present regard-
less of the Function settings. When this value is above 0, the LFO will always
send some Amplitude Modulation to the operators, regardless of the position of
the Foot Controller, Modulation Wheel or Breath Controller, provided that at
least one operators has an AMS value greater than zero.
When Sync is on, each note will reset the LFO wave to its beginning. For
example, the Saw Up wave would begin again from the lowest position at the
beginning of the note. When sync is off, the LFO wave will keep repeating
regularly, regardless of notes being played.