G Clamp the C.D.I. magneto lead
at the frame pipe bend and point
the surplus part to the inner side,
then cut it.
H Clamp the sidestand switch
I Clamp the air vent hose, over
flow hosed and neutral switch
J Hold down the side stand switch
lead using the special washer.
E Clamp the rectifier/regulator
lead and resonator hose. Point
the surplus part toward the inner
side. Clamp within a range
where the resonator hose pro-
tector is torn. Do not pinch the
resonator hose.
F Point the surplus part of the
clamp to the rear side. Clamp the
C.D.I. magnet leads (2 pieces),
starter motor lead, neutral switch
lead and battery negative lead.
K Route the air vent hose and over
flow hose between engine and
L Route the neutral switch lead be-
tween engine and swingarm.
M Pass the air vent hose and over-
flow hose through the engine
N To the fuel cock.
O Insert the starter cable to the