About This Manual
This manual consists of the following sections.
This section provides a overview of the main functions and features of the S08 and introduces you to the basic
operating conventions.
This section explains how to use the basic functions.
Reference : Function List (page 58)
The S08 encyclopedia. This section explains all parameters.
This section contains detailed information on the S08 such as MIDI, Display Messages, Troubleshooting and
Installation Guide (separate booklet)
Refer to this for instructions on installing the included software programs (on the CD-ROM) to your computer.
Data List (separate booklet)
This contains various important lists such as the Voice List, Wave List, Multi List, and MIDI Implementation
About the “Page” References in this Manual
PAGE xx ..... Refers to a display “page” in the LCD
page xx ........ Refers to an actual page in this manual.
Many of the functions and parameters of the S08 are shown on various display “pages,” each of which is numbered
within each mode and indicated in the display. Searching for a function or parameter is made more convenient and
fast by the use of these page numbers.
To distinguish these display page references from actual pages in the manual, we’ve applied the following convention:
“PAGE” (all capital letters) refers to the display page. Unless indicated otherwise, the PAGE reference is for display
pages within the same mode (as described for other parameters in the same section).
Throughout the manual, parameter names are prefaced by numbers, such as “13-2 Resonance.” This, for example,
indicates that the Resonance parameter is on display PAGE 13 in the selected mode.
When one display page contains two or more related parameters, use the [
through the available parameters. These related parameters selected by the [
] buttons are indicated by
hyphenated numbers (e.g., 13-1, 13-2, etc.). In the example above, you can select the Resonance parameter by using
the [
] buttons to move to the second page.
For a full listing of the parameters and their corresponding display pages, refer to the Function List (page 58) or the
Parameter Table (page 18).
Copying of the commercially available music sequence data and/or digital audio files is strictry prohibited except
for your personal use.
The illustrations and LCD screens as shown in this owner’s manual are for instructional purposes only, and may
appear somewhat different from those on your instrument.
The company names and product names in this Owner’s Manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.