Next, install the Application Software and Online Help
from the supplied CD-ROM.
Installing the Application Software
Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
The CD-ROM includes the simple installer “RP-U200
Installer” and the installation data folder.
Open the folder “English”, and double-click the
simple installer “RP . AP . DP Installer” to start it.
Select the model name of this unit and the destination of
the installation.
The Application Software and Online Help are installed on
the hard disk.
Files installed by the simple installer
The simple installer “RP . AP . DP Installer” copies the
“RP . AP . DP Application” folder in the installation data
folder to a specified location. It additionally copies the
“RP . AP . DP Help” folder into the “Help” folder in the
“System Folder” on the startup disk.
To install the Application Software without using the
simple installer, follow the instructions below.
Installing the Application Software without using
the simple installer “
RP . AP . DP
Copy the “RP-U200 Application” folder in the
installation data folder to any hard disk.
Copy the “RP-U200 Help” folder in the installation
data folder to the “Help” folder in the “System
Folder” on the startup disk.
You can refer to this Online Help file with Mac Help.
How to use the Application Software and
Online Help
All operating instructions for the Application Software is
available from the Online Help. To refer to the instructions,
select the Online Help from the menu displayed upon
activation of the Application Software.
Relationship between operation on this unit and the
Application Software
When an operation button or the volume control on this unit
is operated with the Application Software activated, the
display screen of the Application Software automatically
changes to reflect the changes made on the unit. When
this unit is operated as above while the display shows the
screens of the Application Software data and another
program, the display of the other program (for example, the
playback display of QuickTime) may be partially disturbed
as the screen of the Application Software responds to the
operation on this unit. To avoid this, operate this unit
without activating the Application Software.