The Voice Knobs edit the sound, mix and DSP effect processing for the selected track. The following is a
list of the Voice Knob functions and a definition of each one:
Filter cutoff frequency (control message 74) normal setting is 12 o’clock. Clockwise opens
filter, counterclockwise closes (lowers cutoff) filter. The RM1x features a Low Pass Filter.
Filter resonance (control message 71) places a loudness peak at the cutoff frequency
emphasizing a range centered around that frequency. Normal is 12 o’clock. Clockwise increases
peak while counterclockwise decrease peak.
EG Decay:
Envelope Generator Decay (control message 75) controls the portion of the envelope
directly after the attack portion. Normal setting is at 12 o’clock. Great for changing the envelope of
drums sounds and music instrument parts.
Pitch Bend:
Changes the pitch in increments of 128 units through to a maximum of
8192 and down through a minimum of -8191; this is the resolution of the Pitch Bend
parameter in MIDI. The actual distance in pitch of maximum to minimum will depend
on the PB Range of the current Voice. This can be set under the Voice Edit
Variation send:
send control (message 94) to variation effect.
Chorus send:
send control (message 93) to chorus effect.
Reverb send:
send control (message 91) to reverb effect.
Part Volume:
send control (message 07) for individual volume.
Figure 6: Shows the main Voice mixer screen. Press [VOICE]. The knobs directly below the screen
select Bank (MSB/LSB), Program, Pan position and Volume, respectively.
Figure 7: Shows the second Voice screen with the Effect sends. Press [VOICE] a second time to see
sends. Select a track and use the four knobs to make appropriate settings.
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RM1X Remix Sequencer