LCD (initial)
012:EQ Low
013:EQ Mid
014:EQ High
015:D/A Noise
016:SW, LED Chk
017:All LED On
018:Red LED On
019:Green LED On
020:All LCD On
021:All LCD Off
022:Pedal3 Chk
023:Pedal2 Chk
024:Pedal1 Chk
025:Pedal4 Chk
026:P.B Wheel Chk
027:P.B Center Chk
028:Mod Wheel Chk
029:Song Balance Chk
030:EQ Slider
031:Midi Chk
Test Function and Judgment criteria
Checks the EQ-LOW frequency.
Measured value: - 4.0 dBm +/-2 dB
Outputs the sine wave at about 65.4 Hz (C1). (PAN=Center)
Checks the EQ-MID frequency.
Measured value: - 5.0 dBm +/-2 dB
Outputs the sine wave at about 523 Hz (C4). (PAN=Center)
Checks the EQ-HIGH frequency.
Measured value: - 2.0 dBm +/-2 dB
Outputs the sine wave at about 4186 Hz (C7). (PAN=Center)
Press the any key on the keyboard. At this time, confirm that there is no distortion and noise. “D/A Noise OK” is
displayed on the LCD display.
Checks the switches on the panel and LED.
Press the switches as their names are indicated on the LCD. When each switch is pressed, its pre-assigned note is
output. (See Table 1 on p. 40.) When the switch with LED is pressed, that LED will light up at the same time.
Upon completion of checking all switches, “SW. LED Chk OK” is displayed on the LCD display.
Check that all LEDs light up.
Check that all red LEDs light up.
Check that all green LEDs light up.
Check that all LCD dots light up.
Check that all LCD dots go off.
Checks the soft pedal.
Connect foot pedal (FC3 or FC4) to the FOOT PEDAL [3 SOFT] terminal.
Perform the test. Confirm that C3 sounds when the pedal is pressed and C4 sounds when the pedal is released.
After this, confirm that C5 sounds when the cable is removed from the terminal and that “Pedal3 Chk OK” is
displayed on the LCD.
Checks the sostenute pedal.
Connect foot pedal (FC3 or FC4) to the FOOT PEDAL [2 SOSUTENUTO] terminal.
Perform the test. Confirm that C3 sounds when the pedal is pressed and C4 sounds when the pedal is released.
After this, confirm that C5 sounds when the cable is removed from the terminal and that “Pedal2 Chk OK” is
displayed on the LCD.
Checks the sustain pedal.
Connect foot pedal (FC3 or FC4) to the FOOT PEDAL [1 SUSTAIN] terminal.
Perform the test. Confirm that C3 sounds when the pedal is pressed and C4 sounds when the pedal is released.
After this, confirm that C5 sounds when the cable is removed from the terminal and that “Pedal1 Chk OK” is
displayed on the LCD.
Connect the foot pedal (FC3 or FC4) to the FOOT PEDAL [4 AUX] terminal.
Perform the test. Confirm that C3 sounds when the pedal is pressed and C4 sounds when the pedal is released.
After this, confirm that C5 sounds when the cable is removed from the terminal and that “Pedal4 Chk OK” is
displayed on the LCD.
Perform the test and confirm the following: C3 sounds when the [PITCH BEND] wheel is turned forward (DOWN),
C4 sounds when it is turned to the rear (UP) and C5 sounds when it is returned to center (CENTER). Confirm that
“P.B Wheel Chk OK” is displayed on the LCD.
Place the [PITCH BEND] wheel in the center position (CENTER) before starting the test.
Perform the test and confirm that “P.B Center Chk OK” is displayed on the LCD. (Do not touch the wheel once
the test has started.)
Perform the test and confirm that C3 sounds when the [MODULATION] wheel is turned to the rear (UP) and that
C4 sounds when it is turned forward (DOWN).
Confirm that “Mod Wheel Chk OK” is displayed on the LCD.
Checks the song balance.
Perform the test and confirm the following: C3 sounds when the [SONG BALANCE] control is set to the “SONG”
position, G3 sounds when it is set to the “KEYBOARD” position, and C4 sounds when it is set to the center
position (CENTER). Confirm that “Song Balance Chk OK” is displayed on the LCD display.
Perform the test and confirm the following: C3 sounds when the [LOW] MASTER EQUALIZER slider is moved
forward (MIN), G3 sounds when it is moved to the rear (MAX), and C4 sounds when it is set to the center
position (CENTER). In the same manner as [LOW], check the others in the following sequence: [LO-MID],
[MID], [HI-MID], [HIGH].
When the [HIGH] check is completed, confirm that “EQ Slider Chk OK” is displayed on the LCD.
After connecting the [MIDI IN] jack and the [MIDI OUT] jack with a MIDI cable, perform the test. (Keep the
[HOST SELECT] switch at the “MIDI” position. )
Confirm that C4 sounds and that “Midi Chk OK” is displayed on the LCD.
Measurement terminal
1 pin:
L ch
3 pin:
R ch
2, 4 pin: GND