MOXF6/MOXF8 Reference Manual
Master Mode
Master Edit
The Master Edit mode lets you create your own original Master programs—containing up to four different Zones
(keyboard areas)—by editing the various parameters. In the Master mode, you can divide the keyboard into (up to) four
independent areas (called “Zones”). To each Zone can be assigned different MIDI channels and different functions of
the Knobs and Control Sliders. This makes it possible to control several Parts of the multi-timbral tone generator
simultaneously by a single keyboard or to control Voices of an external MIDI instrument over several different channels
in addition to the internal Voices of this synthesizer itself—letting you use the MOXF6/MOXF8 to effectively do the work
of several keyboards. There are two types of Master Edit displays: those for editing parameters common to all four
Zones and those for editing individual Zones. This section explains the parameters for Common Edit and Part Edit.
Common Edit
From this display you can create a name for the Master. For detailed instructions on naming, see the “Basic Operation”
of the Owner’s Manual.
Zone Edit
From this display you can set how each Zone transmits MIDI messages when you play the keyboard.
TransCh (Transmit Channel)
Determines the MIDI Transmit Channel for each Zone.
1 – 16
IntSw (Internal Switch)
Determines whether or not MIDI data for each Zone is transmitted to the internal tone generator.
off, on
ExtSw (External Switch)
Determines whether or not MIDI data for each Zone is transmitted to an external MIDI device.
off, on
From this display you can set the pitch- and keyboard-related parameters for each zone.
Determines the amount in octaves by which the range of the Zone is shifted up or down. You can adjust the offset up or
down over a maximum range of three octaves.
-3 – +0 (Default) – +3
Determines the amount in semitones by which the range of the Zone is shifted up or down.
-11 – +0 (Default) – +11
NoteLimitH, L (Note Limit High, Low)
Determines the lowest and highest notes of the range for each Zone. The selected Zone will sound only when you play
notes within this range.
C -2 – G8
You can also set the note directly from the keyboard, by holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired key.
Master selection
Master selection
Number [1] – [4]
[F1] TRANS (Transmit)