Make and store lists (playlists) of your favorite songs and albums on the MusicCAST server for easy access. The
MusicCAST server stores playlists in 10 groups, called collections. You can make up to 1007 playlists, each
containing up to 999 links to items such as songs, albums, genres, and other playlists, and assign them to
collections in any way you like. Carry out the procedure below to create a playlist.
1 Press TOP MENU.
The Top Menu screen appears on the on-screen display.
2 Use
to move the cursor to “Library” and
press SELECT.
The Library screen appears on the on-screen display.
3 Use
to move the cursor to “Playlists” and
press SELECT.
The Playlists screen appears on the on-screen display,
displaying collection names.
4 Use
to select the collection you want to
create a playlist in and press SELECT.
The Playlists screen appears on the on-screen display.
If there are no playlists in this collection, the MusicCAST
server automatically displays “New Playlist” on the on-screen
display. In this case, press SELECT and skip to step 6 in this
Making playlists
2, 3, 4,
2, 3, 4,
6, 7, 8,
9, 11
6, 7, 8,
9, 11
5, 10