Table of contents
Trimming outboard motor .............. 33
Adjusting trim angle ........................ 33
Adjusting boat trim .......................... 34
Tilting up and down ....................... 35
Procedure for tilting up .................... 36
Procedure for tilting down ............... 37
Cruising in shallow water .............. 38
Power trim and tilt models /
power tilt models........................... 38
Cruising in other conditions ........... 39
Maintenance..................................... 40
Specifications ................................ 40
Transporting and storing
outboard motor............................ 41
Storing outboard motor ................... 42
Procedure ....................................... 42
Lubrication (except oil injection
models) ......................................... 43
Battery care..................................... 43
Flushing power unit ......................... 44
Cleaning the outboard motor .......... 45
Checking painted surface of
motor............................................. 45
Periodic maintenance.................... 45
Replacement parts .......................... 45
Maintenance chart .......................... 46
Maintenance chart (additional)........ 47
Greasing ......................................... 48
Cleaning and adjusting
spark plug ..................................... 49
Checking fuel system ...................... 50
Inspecting fuel filter ......................... 51
Cleaning fuel filter ........................... 51
Inspecting idling speed ................... 52
Changing engine oil ........................ 52
Checking wiring and connectors ..... 54
Exhaust leakage ............................. 54
Water leakage ................................. 54
Engine oil leakage........................... 54
Checking power trim and tilt
system .......................................... 54
Checking power trim and tilt /
power tilt system ........................... 55
Checking propeller .......................... 56
Removing the propeller ................... 57
Installing the Propeller..................... 57
Changing gear oil ............................ 58
Cleaning fuel tank ........................... 59
Inspecting and replacing
anode(s)........................................ 59
Checking battery (for electric
start models) ................................. 60
Connecting the battery .................... 61
Disconnecting the battery................ 62
Checking top cowling ...................... 62
Coating the boat bottom .................. 62
Trouble Recovery............................ 63
Troubleshooting ............................ 63
Temporary action in emergency ... 66
Impact damage ............................... 66
Replacing fuse ................................ 66
Power trim and tilt / power tilt
will not operate.............................. 67
Starter will not operate .................... 67
Emergency starting engine ............. 68
Engine fails to operate .................. 69
Ignition system malfunction ............. 69
Treatment of submerged motor .... 70
Procedure........................................ 70