Table of contents
General information .......................... 1
Identification numbers record .......... 1
Outboard motor serial number .......... 1
Key number....................................... 1
EC label........................................... 1
Emission control information ........... 2
SAV models ...................................... 2
Safety information ........................... 3
Important labels............................... 4
Warning labels .................................. 4
Fueling instructions ......................... 4
Gasoline ............................................ 5
Engine oil .......................................... 5
Battery requirement......................... 5
Battery specifications ........................ 6
Propeller selection........................... 6
Start-in-gear protection ................... 7
Basic components ............................ 8
Main components ............................ 8
Fuel tank ........................................... 9
Fuel joint ......................................... 10
Fuel gauge ...................................... 10
Fuel tank cap .................................. 10
Air vent screw ................................. 10
Remote control................................ 10
Remote control lever ....................... 10
Neutral interlock trigger ................... 11
Neutral throttle lever........................ 11
Tiller handle .................................... 11
Gear shift lever................................ 11
Throttle grip ..................................... 12
Throttle indicator ............................. 12
Throttle friction adjuster................... 12
Engine stop lanyard switch ............. 13
Engine stop button .......................... 13
Main switch ..................................... 14
Steering friction adjuster ................. 14
Power trim and tilt switch on
remote control or tiller handle ....... 14
Power trim and tilt switch on
bottom engine cowling .................. 15
Trim tab with anode ........................ 15
Tilt support lever for power trim
and tilt or hydro tilt model.............. 16
Top cowling lock lever
(pull up type) ................................. 16
Flushing device ............................... 17
Warning indicator ............................ 17
Digital tachometer ........................... 17
Low oil pressure warning
indicator ........................................ 18
Overheat warning indicator
(digital type) .................................. 18
Speedometer (digital type) .............. 18
Trim meter (digital type) .................. 19
Hour meter ...................................... 19
Hour meter (digital type).................. 19
Trip meter ........................................ 20
Clock ............................................... 20
Fuel gauge ...................................... 21
Fuel warning indicator ..................... 21
Low battery voltage warning
indicator ........................................ 21
Warning system ............................ 22
Overheat warning ............................ 22
Low oil pressure warning ................ 22
Operation ......................................... 24
Installation..................................... 24
Mounting the outboard motor .......... 24
Breaking in engine ........................ 25
Procedure for 4-stroke models ........ 25
Preoperation checks ..................... 25
Fuel ................................................. 25
Controls ........................................... 26
Engine ............................................. 26
Checking the engine oil level .......... 26
Filling fuel...................................... 26
Operating engine .......................... 27
Feeding fuel (portable tank) ............ 27
Starting engine ................................ 28
Warming up engine....................... 30
Manual start and electric start
models .......................................... 30
Shifting .......................................... 31
Forward (tiller handle and
remote control models) ................. 31
Reverse (automatic reverse lock
and power trim and tilt models)..... 32
Stopping engine ............................ 32
Procedure........................................ 32