Group B Functions
0-127 (0-7F)
<<F3 SS>>
MSB: 000-127 (00-7F)
<<F2 lsb msb>>
LSB: 000-127 (00-7F)
<<Bn 79 00>>
<<B0 78 00, B1 78 00, ..., BF 78 00>>
<<F0 41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7>>
1-10 (1-A)
1: easy-10: hard
MSB: 000-127 (00-7F)
<<Bn 64 lsb, Bn 65 msb, Bn 06 vv>>
LSB: 000-127 (00-7F)
Value: 0-127 (0-7F)
Controller number:
<<Bn gg vv>>
0-148 (0-94)
Value: 0-127 (0-7F)
MSB: 000-127 (00-7F)
<<Bn 62 lsb, Bn 63 msb, Bn 06 vv>>
LSB: 000-127 (00-7F)
Value: 0-127 (0-7F)
1-16 (1-10)
0-255 (0-FF)
Song Select command for sequencer/rhythm machine.
Song Position Pointer for sequencer/rhythm machine.
This resets all MIDI controller values to their reset values (minimum or center).
This turns all sounds off over all MIDI channels. To turn all sounds off for one specific MIDI channel,
use SOUND OFF in Group A.
This performs a GM-B reset on a connected tone generator. (This affects only certain tone generators,
making their operation compatible with the Yamaha TG300.)
This merges all data received over the selected MIDI channel with the data generated by the CBX-K1.
This function can be set independently for each channel.
This determines the relative velocity sensitivity of the CBX-K1 keyboard. The lower the Touch
Sensitivity value, the higher the output velocity becomes. In other words, when this is set to a value
near 0, the less playing strength that is needed to get a louder sound from a connected tone generator.
This allows you to directly send a specific value for a selected RPN controller number, without altering
the current controller assignment of the ASSIGNABLE Wheel.
This allows you to directly send a specific value for a selected Control Change controller number,
without altering the current controller assignment of the ASSIGNABLE Wheel.
This allows you to directly send a specific value for a selected NRPN controller number, without
altering the current controller assignment of the ASSIGNABLE Wheel.
This determines the Device Number when independently transmitting certain messages (such as XG
On and Master Tuning) to more than one connected MIDI devices.
This inverts the operation of both Wheels, for ease in playing the CBX-K1 as a hand-held keyboard. An
alternate way to change this setting is to simultaneously hold down
and turn on the
This inverts the MSB/LSB entry (so that LSB precedes MSB). An alternate way to change this setting
is to simultaneously hold down
and turn on the power.
This sends a data message of a single byte. (See page 17.)
Range (Hexadecimal
in parentheses)
precedes LSB
value is
toward rear
*1 For toggle (on/off) switch functions, the OCTAVE lamps
blink rapidly when the function is set to ON, and flash
once when it is set to OFF.
*2 When Fixed Velocity (in Group A) is set to a value
other than 0, the Touch Sensitivity function is inactive.
The following table shows the velocity range for some
Touch Sensitivity settings.
*3 To send a specific value for the current control number
assignment of the Wheel, hold down
, enter the
desired value, and press
. However, this cannot
be done with controller numbers 143 (Polyphonic Key
Pressure), 147 (Velocity), or 148 (Tempo).
Touch Sensitivity Value
1 (1)
5 (5)
10 (A)
Velocity Range