This instruction manual describes how to use this product properly and what care should be
taken, intended that it will serve you well without fault.
Before reading the manual, never operate the product.
Read precautions carefully. Keep this manual handy.
If you find any questions, doubts, or problems in our products, contact our distributors from which
you made a purchase or our sales offices described on the back of this manual.
If this instruction manual or caution labels are damaged or lost, buy other ones from which you
made a purchase. Save this manual and affix the labels properly.
1. Purpose of use ········································································ 2
2. Warning / Caution ···································································· 2
2-1.Definition of warning and caution ············································ 2
3. Precautions ············································································ 2
4. Name of each section ······························································· 3
4-1.Packing ············································································· 3
5. Preparation before use ······························································ 4
6. How to use ·········································································· 5
7. Maintenance and Inspection ···················································· 6
7-1. Inspection of malfunctions and troubleshooting ························· 6
Maintenance and Inspection·················································· 6
Disassembly and Assembly ················································· 6
7-4.Exploded parts view / Parts list ··············································· 8
8. Specifications ········································································ 9
8-1. Specifications ···································································· 9
8-2. Accessories ······································································· 9
Limited Warranty ······································································ 10