EN_Product manual_Toro_v1.2
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In June 2010 a research lasting eleven weeks for exercise- fun and intensity regarding the plaza was
wrapped up, carried out by the Expertise Centrum Bewegingstechnologie (ECBT). The conclusion can be
found below, versus the Dutch Norm Healthy Exercise.
Dutch Norm Healthy Exercise
Children suffer from obesity more and more. According to data from the CBS (Dutch bureau of
statistics), in 2009 13,5% of girls and 12,6% of boys between two and twenty years old were overweight.
On top of that, 2,6% of girls and 1,6% of boys suffer from obesity. [1].
The percentage of children, between 4 and 17 years old, who in 2008 meet the Dutch Norm Healthy
Exercise came down to 25,8%. This means roughly a 1 out of 4 children exercises enough every day. With
the rise of the gaming consoles and the lack of playgrounds in residential, children rather stay inside
playing videogames instead of going outside.
According to the Dutch Norm Healthy Exercise children have to exercise 60 minutes a day in a
moderately intensive (5-8 MET) way. Whereby the exercise has to be focused on improving or maintain
physical fitness at least 2 days a week.
Results research
From energy measurements has come forward that the
game Red Green is the most intense. It is 8,3 times more
intensive than being at rest. The table shows how the
games relate to other sports. The energy consumption
of several games lies between 6,8 and 8,3 MET (Me-
tabole equivalent)
This means that if a child plays one hour on the Plaza
the Dutch Norm Healthy Exercise has been achieved.
1. http://statline.cbs.nl/StatWeb/publication/?VW=T&DM=SLNL&PA=70848ned
2. http://www.rivm.nl/jeugdgezondheid/images/tnotrendrapport2009.pdf
6. Beweegnorm, Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Bewegen, Arnhem, 2003
8. Research movement intensity
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Table MET values several activities
Research exercise intensity
In June 2010 a research lasting eleven weeks for exercise- fun and intensity regarding the plaza was wrapped
up, carried out by the Expertise Centrum Bewegingstechnologie (ECBT). The conclusion can be found below,
versus the Dutch Norm Healthy Exercise.
Dutch Norm Healthy Exercise
Children suffer from obesity more and more. According to data from the CBS (Dutch bureau of statistics), in
2009 13,5% of girls and 12,6% of boys between two and twenty years old were overweight. On top of that, 2,6%
of girls and 1,6% of boys suffer from obesity.
The percentage of children, between 4 and 17 years old, who in 2008 meet the Dutch Norm Healthy Exercise
came down to 25,8%. This means roughly a 1 out of 4 children exercises enough every day. With the rise of the
gaming consoles and the lack of playgrounds in residential, children rather stay inside playing videogames
instead of going outside.
According to the Dutch Norm Healthy Exercise children have to exercise 60 minutes a day in a moderately
intensive (5-8 MET) way. Whereby the exercise has to be focused on improving or maintain physical fitness at
least 2 days a week.
Results research
Out of the energy measurements has come forward that the
game Red Green is the most intense. It is 8,3 times more
intensive than being at rest. The table shows how the games
relate to other sports. The energy consumption of several games
lies between 6,8 and 8,3 MET (Metabole equivalent)
This means that if a child plays one hour on the Plaza the Dutch
Norm Healthy Exercise has been achieved.
6. Beweegnorm, Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Bewegen, Arnhem, 2003
Sitting calmly
Basketball (shooting on the basket)
Basketball (general)
Plaza – Bottle hockey
Plaza - Quiz
Soccer (non competitive)
Plaza - 4play
Plaza – Bottle soccer
Plaza – Red against Green
Boxing (sparring)
Soccer (competitive)