TO Flame Sensing Evaluation Kit (Analog) USEQFCK4000000
The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and must be used only as a guide.
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Figure 9
– Signal Viewers
Flame Detection Algorithm
For any operation beyond signal viewing, the flame detection algorithm needs to be enabled
by selecting
Algorithm : Enabled
Flame Algorithm Settings
on the main page.
4.5.1 Additional Signal Viewing Features
The additional features which will be enabled with the algorithm are:
Signal Visualisation Modes
Fourier Transform:
Frequency domain representation of the signal useful for
looking at dominant frequencies in signals (relative magnitude), for example
comparison of flame flicker frequency and human motion frequency.
10 Hz Signal:
The 10 Hz signal response from the Fourier Transform
calculation representing the levels analysed by the flame detection algorithm.
10 Hz Response:
Live visualization of the 10 Hz Signal on bars, as seen on 10 Hz
Signal Visualisation Mode, also representing the levels used by the flame detection
Flame Detection Algorithm:
Adjustments and indication of flame detection status.
4.5.2 Algorithm Settings
The flame algorithm uses Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the signal to extract the 10 Hz
magnitude, or more precisely the average magnitude between 9 Hz and 11 Hz. The above
mentioned Signal Visualisation Modes enable selection of each of these stages to better
understand the detection process.