The transceiver is designed to provide a com plete
single unit instal lation for fixed. portable. or mobile
operation. Two prew ired plugs are furnished w ith
the unit for AC or DC operation. This
provides the flex ibility required for various installa
tions and allows rapid change from fixed to mobilP
Base Station Installation ;
The transceiver is designed for use in many areas of
the world using supply voltages that may d iffer from
the operators local su pply voltage. T herefore. before
connecting the AC cord to the power outlet. be sure
that the voltage marked on the rear of the transceiver
agrees w ith the local AC supply voltage.
Permanent damage will result if improper
supply voltage is applied to the trans
The transceiver should be connected to a good ground.
The ground lead shou ld be connected to the terminal
marked GND located on the rear panel of the trans
Mobile Installation ;
The transceiver w i l l operate satisfactorily from any 12
volt negative-ground battery source by connecting
the DC power cord ·to the rear panel receptacle.
For under-dash mounting, a special mounting bracket
is available from your dealer. A location should be
selected clear of heater ducts. No special mounting pre
cautions need be observed if adequate ventilation space
is available. A minimum of two inches of air space
above the cabinet top and on all sides is recommended
to allow proper air flow around the cabinet. Never
stack other un its above or below the cabinet since the
accumulated heat from both u n its cou ld cause perma
nent damage.
The transceiver requires an average of 14 amps on
transmit and 20 amps on voice peaks. The fuse in the
DC power cable shou ld be rated at 20 amps. When
mak ing connections to the car battery. be certain that
the RED lead is connected to the positive
( +)
term inal
and the BLACK lead to the negative ( - ) term inal of
the battery. R eversed connections cou ld permanently
damage the transceiver. The BLA CK lead should run
directly to the negative term inal of the battery. Using
the car frame as a negative connection or connecting
the positive lead at a point such as the ign ition switch
places the dev ices creating noise in the same current
path as the transceiver and fails to take advantage
of the filtering action of the battery. The power cable
should be kept away from ignition wires and be as
short as possible to minimize vol tage drop and to
prov ide a low impedance path from the transceiver to
the battery.
Prior to operating the transceiver in a mobile installa
tion. the voltage regu lator setting should be checked.
In many vehicles. the voltage regu lation s is very poor
and in some cases. the regu lator may be adj usted for
an excessively high c harging voltage. A s the battery
and regu lator age . the maximum voltage w hile charg
ing can increase to a very h igh level w hich is in
j urious to the battery and could cause damage to the
The transceiver is designed to operate from a source
voltage range of
volts. It is necessary to
carefully set the regu lator so that the h ighest charg
ing voltage does not exceed 1 4 volts. T he transceiver
should be sw itched "OFF·· when vehicle is started
to prevent voltage transcients from damaging power
supply transistors.
Antenna ;
N ever transmit without having proper
antenna or dummy load connected to
the transceiver
The transceiver is designed for use w ith resonant anten
na hav ing an im pedance 50 - 75 ohm resistive load.
The antenna is usually the most critical part of a
station installation. Results both i n receiv ing and trans
m itting will de pend on how well the antenna is installed
and adj usted.
Any of the common anten na systems
designed for use on the h igh frequency amateu r
may be u sed with the transceiver.
in put
impedance of the antenna system is within the ca pa
bility of the transceiver pi-matching network
5 0-75
ohms ) .
J -