Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions
D o n o t d i s a s s e m b l e ,
attempt to repair, or modify
this device in any way as
t h i s m a y c a u s e a f i r e ,
electrical shock hazard, or
Consult your local
agent if repair is needed.
*Warranty applies only to use
within country of purchase.
Warranty repair for foreign
customers is not available.
Use at AC100-240V only to
avoid a potential fire or
electrical shock hazard.
D o n o t u s e i f t h e A C
adapter is damaged or the
wall socket is loose.
This may cause electrical
shock hazard, short circuit, or
Hold the head of the plug
instead of the cord when
unplugging the adapter
f r o m t h e w a l l s o c k e t .
Damage to the cord may
cause electrical shock, short
circuit, or fire hazard. Do not
touch with wet hands.
Do not use on children or
allow children to use the
device. Keep out of reach
of children.
D o n o t a l l o w d i s a b l e d
persons to use the device
Avoid use on persons with
sensitive skin or on those
who cannot express their
intentions as this may
cause injury.
Do not use or store near
fire, under direct sunlight,
or in dusty areas.
Do not place near heating
equipment as this may
cause a fire or explosion
If any problem occurs
d u r i n g u s e , i n c l u d i n g
abnormal odor, smoke, or
excess heat, turn off the
power and unplug the AC
adapter immediately.
Discontinue use if there is
any smoke, unusual noise, or
Use only the supplied AC
adapter and plug it directly
into the wall socket.
Do not use an extension
cord as this may cause an
electrical shock hazard,
short circuit, or fire.
Do not apply to pets or
animals as this may cause
Do not drop or hit the main
unit. Dropping the device
may cause malfunction or
Use only as directed in this
instruction manual.
Improper use may cause
injury or malfunction.
Before charging the unit,
check that the plug and
socket are not wet as this
may cause an electric
shock, short circuit, or fire
If you are having any dental
treatment, or are under the
care of a dentist, do not
use or avoid use in that
You may feel a strong or
unpleasant sensation on
your cheek or jaw if you
have any dental work in the
area being treated. This will
not adversely affect the
treatment, but if you feel
discomfort consult your
Do not damage, break,
modify, bend by force, pull,
twist, or bundle the cord.
Do not place heavy objects
on the cord or allow it to
get pinched in between
other objects as this may
damage the cord and cause
a fire or electric shock
Be sure to turn off the
power when not in use or
when cleaning the unit to
avoid a potential electric
shock, short circuit, or fire
When applying to your
face, use only in the Face
Mode to avoid potentially
damaging your skin.
Do not place the unit near
fire or flame, leave it under
direct sunlight, or on an
electric blanket or carpet
as this could cause over-
heating, fire, or explosion