xxter enOcean example
for dimmers (Eltako, Opus GN)
xxter b.v.
Elandsgracht 73 I
1016 TR Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 20 6242 865
First, teach-in the normal switches and / or switching telegrams from xxter.
This can be done using the normal teach-in process described in the manuals of the
manufacturer and the default enOcean manual of xxter.
Eltako and Opus greennet dimmers (the newer versions) also support switching feedback
telegrams. This is useful for xxter.
To enable this feature, check the manual of the manufacturer. For most dimmers it will be like
the following instruction:
- Make sure the dim speed rotary is somewhere in the middle.
- Set the learn/clear rotary to clear
- Turn the dim speed rotary anti-clockwise till the end (min) and back to the middle three
- The LED will turn off after about 2 seconds, this confirms the setting. If the LED turns
of immediately the settings is turned off, and you have to do these steps again.
- Set the learn/clear rotary back to normal setting
For some models these procedures might be different.