Xtreme Power Conversion Corporation
P90L 6kVA & 10kVA User’s Manual
Page 20
Uninterruptible Power Supply
3. Mute
This item is used to mute the buzzer in battery/bypass/fault mode. In any other mode, this item also could be seen
but does not function and related data will also be shown. After confirmation, it will go to the home page and you
can see the change of the mute icon.
4. Para Unlock (Future Use)
This selection is for “parallel (protection) unlock”, to allow for parallel unit operation. It only appears when the LCD
shows the warning “3F: Para Protect” (that means the parallel system is in protection and cannot startup); if you
need to startup the parallel UPS, this instruction must be executed.
Before executing this instruction, you must check that the system’s parallel cables and connections are cor
rect. Please read the related content in the trouble shooting section of this manual.