Start to Use
To record Video, verify the camera is in Video mode. If the Video icon on your camera’s LCD screen is not showing, press
the Power/Mode Bu on repeatedly un l it appears.
To start recording:
Press the Shu er/Select Button. The camera will emit one beep and the Camera Status Lights will
ash while recording.
To stop recording:
Press the Shu er/Select Bu on. The Camera Status Lights stop
ashing and the camera emits one beep to indicate
recording has stopped.
This camera automa cally stops recording when the ba ery is out of power. Your Video will be saved before the camera
powers OFF.
To capture a Photo, verify the camera is in Photo mode. If the Photo icon on your camera’s LCD screen is not showing,
press the Power/ Mode Bu on repeatedly un l it appears.
To take a photo:
Press the Shu er/Select Bu on. The camera will emit the camera shu er sound.