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® NuSet-MiniPG-Config Task Setting
– Switch
DUT: Switch
Test Type/DUT Description
” from this scroll-down menu to start configuring tests for both routers and switches.
Get DUT Description:
Enable this function to acquire DUT information during test and output it to test logs.
Media Type
Media Type:
You can set the connection speed here
with the scroll-down menu.
Link Down Time:
The connection link between DUT
and NuStreams-P5G/P9A will be forced to terminate
when this function is enabled.
Link Wait (Minimum):
NuStreams-P5G/P9A will
attempt to establish connection with the DUT and wait
for the minimum time (seconds). NuStreams-P5G/P9A
will keep waiting until the minimum time is met even the
DUT has already responded.
Link Wait (Time Out):
NuStreams-P5G/P9A will
attempt to establish connection with the DUT and wait
for a period of time until time out (second), and
NuStreams-P5G/P9A will not attempt to establish
connection anymore.
Testing LAN Ports:
Please connect the DUT with
’s Switch Ports
with Cat-5 cables
according to the
Testing LAN Ports
you set here.
Connection Setting
WAN Link Type:
Choose the WAN connection type for
DUT testing. Three WAN Link Types are available:
Static IP
, and
. The
WAN Link Type
here must be the same with the setting of the DUT.
DUT WAN Static IP:
If the
WAN Link Type
is set as
Static IP
, please input the static IP address you set in
the DUT here.
DHCP Wait Timeout:
This function sets the duration of
time for attempting to establish connection with DHCP
Skip DHCP Process if Valid:
Disable or enable DHCP
Check Vender ID:
Enable this function to check DUTs
MAC address and see if they match DUT vender
designated MAC address.
Vendor MAC:
Check Vender ID
is enabled, please
input the vender
’s designated MAC address here for