VIS-IR Thermography Detector Product Guide
1 Introduction
This document is a reference guideline for the installation, configuration, maintenance and servicing of the
VIS-IR Thermography detector. Please read carefully prior to implementing the final design or installation of
the detectors.
VIS-IR contains the following features:
Bi-spectral – IR & visual
On-board pre- alarm, alarm and fail-safe fault relay outputs
Sensor resolution 384 x 288 pixels
Minimum area size detected 3x3 pixels
Detection temperature range -5°C to 450°C
Fixed temperature and Rate of Rise Pre-Alarms and Alarms
3 different lenses/FOV
2 inputs (Reset and Air Purge Fault)
Tri-color front LED for status signaling
Remote LED output
Simple and user-friendly connection
Operation on 24 VDC
Pluggable connection and terminals