11. Wait for
2 minutes
to let the particulate filter cool down.
12. Press
drop out
to exit the DPF function.
This function allows to perform the learning and matching and resetting functions of the tire pressure sensor.
TPMS Reset may be performed in the following cases:
Tire replacement
After troubleshooting tire pressure related problems
Other causes of loss of signal from the tire pressure sensor
1. For tire pressure sensor matching, some vehicle models may need the TPMS activation tool;
2. After learning process, you may need to run the car for some while before the fault light goes off;
3. Tire pressure imbalance may also cause the tire pressure light;
4. This function is only available for activated tire pressure sensors. If you have a brand-new sensor, please use the professional
tire pressure device.
Even for the same model, its tire pressure system may differ by the region where it is manufactured. Therefore, under the
TPMS Reset function, we provide 6 menus for the major automotive manufacturing regions, including
Korea, Japan, USA,
China, Australia
, as shown below.