Display Settings
Set the display properties
(1) Display settings
You can choose whether to use the function that automatically detecting the optimum
resolution, display mode, color depth and primary display, etc.
The “display mode” includes single display, clone, duplicate and extend;
The “color depth” includes high color and true color;
The primary display is DVI or VGA.
(2) Optimum Settings
If you check “Optimum settings”, then this program would set the resolution as the
optimum resolution of the monitor.
(3) DVI
If the users want to set the resolution by themselves, please do not check “Optimum settings”
in “Setting” tab, thus the output resolution of DVI can be set. As the picture shows below:
“Resolution” button: Set the resolution of the monitor.
“Refresh rate” button: Set the refresh rate of the monitor.
“Rotation” button: used for setting the clockwise rotation degree of display
“Detecting” button: used for detecting the suitable resolution of this display