Document MT1600P.2019.A
© Xsens Technologies B.V.
MTi Family Reference Manual
This manual gives an overview of the latest generation Xsens products (MTi 1-series and MTi 600-
series) and their usage. For previous generations, refer to
MTi User Manual
. The MTi product portfolio
from Xsens currently has family members ranging in functionality from Inertial Measurement Units
, Vertical Reference Unit (VRU), Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) to a fully
integrated GNSS/INS (Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Navigation System). All products
contain a 3D IMU composed by a gyroscope and an accelerometer plus a 3D magnetometer, with
optionally a barometer and GNSS receiver.
The MTi product range is divided in several series, the MTi 1-series, the MTi 600-series, the MTi 10-
series and the MTi 100-series.
The MTi 1-series is a low-cost Surface-Mount Devices (SMD) module.
The MTi 600-series is a cost effective product line for easy integration.
The MTi 10-series
is Xsens’ entry level model with robust accuracy
The MTi 100-series is a
Xsens’ proven high end
class of MEMS IMU’s, orientation and position sensor
Table 1 summarizes all available official documents for the Xsens MTi product line. It is highly
recommended to review all documents applicable to your Xsens Motion Tracker.
Table 1: MTi product documentation overview
MTi 1-series
MTi 600-series
MTi 10/100-series
MTi Family Reference Manual
MTi User Manual
MTi 1-series Datasheet
MTi 600-series Datasheet
MTi 1-series DK User Manual
MTi 600-series DK User Manual
MTi 1-series HW Integration Manual
MTi 600-series HW Integration Manual
MT CAN Protocol Documentation
MT Manager Manual
Magnetic Calibration Manual
MT Low Level Communication Protocol Documentation
Firmware Updater User Manual
Links to the latest available documentation can be found via the following link:
not recommended for new designs