Preparing to operate the engine
• Never modify the engine or muffler.
• Confirm the position of needle and idling before running. Be sure to run a new engine smoothly.
• Make sure the air filter is clean and oiled.
• Never run your engine without an air filter. Your engine can be seriously damaged if dirt and debris get inside the engine.
• For proper engine break-in, please refer to the manual that came with the engine.
• The engine may not start or run properly if the air filter is dirty, or choked with sand and dust.
• If the fuel pipe is choked or deteriorates, the engine may not start, and there is danger that fuel leaks out.
Starting and running the engine
Be sure to observe the following starting process. Non-observance will make model car start suddenly, and may lead the damage or unexpected accidents.
1. Make sure the transmitter and receiver batteries are fully charged.
2. Put the car on the starter box and keep the tires from touching the ground.
3. Turn on the switch of the receiver.
4. Turn on the switch of the transmitter.
5. Make sure the steering servo and engine control servo work normally and adjust them correctly.
6. Put the fuel in the fuel tank, and close the cap securely.
7. Apply the glow igniter to the engine glowplug.
8. Push the model car onto the starter box to start the engine. (If the engine is new, follow the instruction manual and be sure to break in the new engine properly).
9. When the engine is running, remove the glow igniter.
10. Follow your engine break-in procedure and tune the engine as appropriate.
Stopping the engine
Before you stop the engine, try to make sure the engine is at idle first.
There are several ways to stop the engine:
1) Use a rag to cover the exhaust tip. Be careful! The exhaust is extremely hot so use a thick rag and gloves.
2) Pinch the fuel tubing to stop the flow of fuel to the carb. Be careful, this can make the motor run lean which can damage the motor.
3) Put your hand over the air filter, or squeeze the air filter element to block the airflow.
4) Press an object (such as a screwdriver handle or shoe) against the rotating flywheel to stop its rotation. Be very careful, and do not stick your hand or fingers near the rotating flywheel.
Finish to operate
1. Stop the engine.
2. Turn off the switch of the receiver.
3. Turn off the switch of the transmitter.
Maintenance after running
Take proper care of your car after running to keep it performing well, and take notice of any damage and wear.
1. Do not leave fuel in the tank.
2. Go outside to drain any residual oil in the exhaust pipe.
3. Clean the car and remove all sand, mud, and other debris.
4. Use after-run oil in your engine after you have finished running for the day.