Multi-Flex Technology™
The T2R PRO has 3 kinds of Multi-Flex™ settings: soft, medium, and stiff. The amount of stiffness used depends on the track surface.
Car on Carpet
If you drive on carpet, we do not recommend using the soft Multi-Flex™ setting, while on the other end of spectrum if you drive on asphalt, we do not recommend
using the stiff Multi-Flex™ setting. The reason why a soft setting should not be used on carpet is that although it may be a low-traction track, the carpet can overheat
the front tires and make car very diffi cult to drive. As such, we recommend using a medium Multi-Flex™ setting if you drive on a low-traction carpet track. When on
carpet, it is very important to use all four screws in the front part of the top deck. Although you may feel that car is more reactive using only 2 screws there, as was
already mentioned above, it may lead to tire overheating. We recommend using the front central alu stand on carpet because it makes the car more stable and
easier to drive. On very technical tracks with low traction, you may remove the alu central stand to get more steering, but be careful when the traction increases…
you may have to use the alu central stand again.
If you decide to attend large race events with many participants, you can expect super-high traction. In these conditions, we recommend using not only the front
stand but also the front optional chassis brace which makes the car easier to drive. However, the optional front brace decreases front traction and steering. The
stiff setting can be used on super-high traction tracks when you want to increase the “aggression” of the car. If you want to increase steering you can do this by
decreasing the rear traction; in that case, the screw under the motor holder may be used and/or you may tighten all screws in the rear bulkheads.
Car on Asphalt
When running the car on asphalt, completely different settings are used compared to carpet. Typically, asphalt has low–medium traction so the soft and medium
settings are generally recommended. Asphalt usually does not overheat the front tires as much as carpet does, however tire overheating on asphalt may occur
when the track is super-hot and when soft inserts and/or soft tire compound are used. Normally you can use the soft setting for low-traction tracks. If the track is
very technical, we recommend using the soft setting mainly for the front suspension, because the soft front suspension creates more aggression in the car. For this
reason, we recommend using only 2 screws in the front part of the top deck, and no central alu stand. Screws from the front bulkheads may be removed as well.
If you remove the rear screws on the front bulkheads, the car will steer better into corners.
Car Summary:
• Stiff setting: Very-high traction carpet track
• Medium setting: Technical medium traction carpet or asphalt track
• Soft setting: Technical or low-traction asphalt track
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